dhb (05/11/83)
I have written a document (for our own internal use) which describes all the entry points in a device driver, what arguments they receive, what they are supposed to do, and how they relate to each other. If you would like I can mail you a copy of it. The manual is specific to 4.1BSD but things like open/close should be the same on most systems. There is supposedly a manual similar to this from Berkeley, but I have never seen it. If anyone else is interested in this, let me know and if there is sufficient interest I will post it to the net. Dave Brierley, {allegra | decvax!brunix}!rayssd!dhb P.S. we also have a DR11B driver for an NTDS interface to a UYK-7 computer (a Navy machine) which I can send you. Your driver will probably be different but things like setting commands in the csr and all the equates for the bit definitions should be similar.