[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Networking Lab

hitch@buhub.bradley.edu (Douglas Hanna) (04/10/91)

Since I did not elicit any response from the posting of this message I
am going to repost it.

I am currently doing a feasibility study here at Bradley University on
the possibility of creating a micro-computer networking lab.  What
information that I could use is things like price, availibiliy,
compatibility, ease of use/maintinence and the like.  The type of
system that I am currently persuing would be a 486 box running UNIX,
the system would be required to have either thinwire or twisted pair
ethernet running TCP/IP protocoll.  The purpose of this system to
connect several different manufactures of equipment together into a
single network for instructional purposes.  Help in any area would be

|<>|   Douglas Hanna           Bradley University               |<>|
|><|   HITCHhiker (042)        hitch@buhub.bradley.edu          |><|
|<>|   "All disclamers, standard and nonstandard apply"         |<>|
|><|   "Another Brilliant mind destroyed by the rigors of       |><| 
|<>|             higher education"                              |<>|