[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Mode MONO on bootup?

gcook@horus.cem.msu.EDU (Greg Cook) (04/18/91)

I've just encountered an interesting problem that never showed up before.
Hopefully, someone can shed some light on this for me!

I just installed a new VGA card with a monochrome VGA monitor (I had
an EGA card before).  When I booted up for the first time, the system
was in the correct mode (ie. mode co80).  Now, whenever I boot up, it
is always in mono mode.  I had to add the line "mode co80" into my
autoexec.bat.  I checked my setup and it is configured for EGA.  

Any ideas why this problem just showed up out of the blue?

Thanks for your help.

Gregory R. Cook                          Chemistry IS life! 
Michigan State University      Watch for the next generation of Enamines 
gcook@horus.cem.msu.edu              coming to a Journal near you!