[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] NEED HELP with unknown SVGA card

tmc@ll1a.ATT.COM (Thomas M. Clarke) (05/01/91)

	I have a question concerning a SUPER VGA card.  The card contains 
 TRIDENT chips but I am unsure of the manufacturer.  I bought it with no
 documentation.  I would greatly appreciate any help I can get.  My current 
 board is dying and I am getting a little worried.

	1. I am interested in knowing what the DIP switch settings are for each
	   of the different types of monitors (VGA,EGA,CGA) and any other 
	   switch options.
               |            - - |
	       | |  - - - -     |
	       | V  1 2 3 4 5 6 |  CURRENT POSITIONS
	       |ON           FPG|
	2. I would also like to know who is the manufacturer of the board. 
	   The only clue is the LOGO and SERIAL NUMBER (labels):
		  / _ \
	         / / \ \  SUPER VGA		SA9044306
       	      \ \_/ /
	   Also printed on the board was:
	       (TOP) HNG2YPTVGA16X159A
	3. I guess I would like any and all information about this board. 

   For anybody who might have documentation lying around here is a picture of
   the board to remove any doubt as to what I have.  All chips are not to
   scale but close.  I have indicated all the labeled chips.
    ____________________________________	               ______________
   |------|------|     __   __   __     |     ___________     |           () |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 | || |  | |  | |  |    |    |           |    |           ___|
   |------|------| || |  | |  | |  |    |____|           |____|         || D |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 | || |__| |__| |__|                 ________________  ||| I |
   |------|------|  |  ________   ______   ______   | ADV476KN50     | ||| P |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 |    |TRIDENT | |______| |______|  | 1-54BV  8940   | ||| S |
   |------|------| || |TVGA    | |______| |______|  |________________| |||___|
   | 64X4 | 64X4 | || |8800CS  |          ________________                ___|
   |------|------| || |11380029|    LOW->|  /\ SUPER VGA  | _________    |   |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 |     --------    BIOS  | \/         (1) ||_________|   | 1 |
   |------|------| ||  ______  J  ______ |________________| _________    | 5 |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 | || |______| 2 |______| ________________ |_________|   |___|
   |------|------| ||  ________   ______ |  /\ SUPER VGA  |               ___|
   | 64X4 | 64X4 |    |________| |______|| \/         (2) |   _________  |   |
   |------|------| ()              HIGH->|________________|  |_________| | 9 |
   | 64X4 | 64X4 |     ________   _________   _____________   _________  |   |
   |______|______|__  |________| |_________| |_____________| |_________| |___|
                    |              ____  \                             ___   |
                    |              |  |   TVGA-1623D                   | |() |
                    |______________|  |________________________________| |___|

	Thanks for any and all help,
			Thomas Clarke