Help I have been given an orphan computer at work, its a Sampo model IPS3535s The trouble is even though the manual says I can add 512k extra on board, the machine doesnt recognize the extra memory at boot up, three jumpers seem to need setting they are labeled J1-J3 at the front of the mother board. But which ones do you bridge? Also I have tried to put a IDE drive in to this machine but it keeps comming up with error messages such as error intializing hardisk controller error reading from harddrive and the like I set the Bios for a type 17 as per the drive instructions - Kalok KL340 drive unknown IDE controller Anyone out there help, Samcor New Zealand havent helped me so far. thanx. -- Andrew Chambers Computer Services University of Waikato New Zealand ATC@WAIKATO.AC.NZ