[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Program to Route 1 Serial port to another...

jbs@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Spaggie) (05/09/91)

	I have a fast internal modem on one of my PC's,
	and I would like to use it with my Sun.  I have
	a Serial link running from the Sun to the PC's
	COM1,and the modem is on COM2.   Has anyone
	ever seen a little utility to route everything
	from one com port to the other, and vice versa?
	(I am trying to avoid breaking out the old assembler 
	and writing it myself..)  Anyone interested in such a



Jeff Sponaugle                      Allied Signal Aerospace, ECD
938 Roberts St                      Dept 862, Optical Engineering
South Bend, IN 46625                717 N Bendix Dr.
(219) 234-5103                      South Bend, IN 46620
Internet: jbs@ecn.purdue.edu        (219) 231-3063