[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] IBM Hardware and Software For Sale

jdwhite@iastate.edu (White Jason David) (05/16/91)


Logitech Mouse - Bus Version - $75
Compatible with IBM PC,XT,AT,PS/2 (Models 25 & 30)
Guaranteed to work with all your software applications
System Requirements:
	Dos 2.1 or Higher
	Dual floppy drive or one floppy drive and a hard disk.
	One open half slot
	256K RAM

Paelit Super VGA Card - Brand NEW! - $250
	w/512K Video RAM
	Expandable to 1MB Video RAM
	Supports all IBM VGA, EGA, CGA, and MDA modes
	Also supports Hercules monochrome display.
        Supports Multisync monitors (analog or TTL optional) and PS/2 monitors
	Interlaced and Non-interlaces monitors
	Trident chip set.
	16-bit card with DB-15 connector
	Software drivers for most major software packages
		-AutoCAD		-WordStar
		-Autoshade		-MS Windows
		-Lotus 1-2-3		-P-CAD
		-Symphony		-CADKEY
		-Framework		-VersaCAD
		-GEM Desktop		-Presentation Manager
		-Ventura Publisher	-MS Word


Microsoft Works V1.0 with Word Finder Thesaurus - $30
PC-TOOLS Deluxe V5.5 - $25

All software and hardware comes with all original manuals and disks.

Jason White // jdwhite@iastate.edu // "Get bent!" - Bart Simpson