[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Klever 386sx: slower than most?

elliot@xenna.encore.com (Elliot Mednick) (05/21/91)

I recently bought a Klever 386sx-16 motherboard and have replaced
my 286-16 board with it.  It gives me an SI (5.0) rating of 7.9 compared
to 12.2 for my 286-16! The sharware program SPEED200 (Landmark) gives
about 14Mhz.  Are these typical benchmarks for a 386sx-16?  There are
zero waitstates and I ran these without TRSs.  Shouldn't I be seeing
a Landmark of about 20Mhz?  And an SI of at least 10?

Additional info: C&T chipset, Phoenix BIOS, shadowing on and off, 
2 x 1MB SIMMs (out of possible 8).  Yes, it is running at 16 Mhz.  Has
on-board IDE and serial and parallel ports.  The only board plugged in
is a Paradise clone SVGA.

Thanks in advance.
Elliot Mednick (elliot@encore.com) |  This .signature file is undergoing
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