[net.followup] Unix DBMS Survey #1

key@noscvax.UUCP (06/02/83)

What follows is a compilation of the information I've  been  able
to  gather  on Database Management Systems (DBMS) which run under
the Unix operating system.  There are three DBMS,

                    MDBS III

which I am aware of but for which I do not have  enough  informa-
tion to include in my summary at this time.  When I have informa-
tion on those systems I will add them to my summary table and re-
transmit the entire table again.

The information in the summary table is as accurate  as  I  could
make  it.  What  I got in most cases as a response to my original
inquiry to the net was the name of a product and a person to con-
tact.   The  remainder  I  extracted  from literature that varied
between sales brochures and benchmark studies, telephone  conver-
sations with the vendors, and messages sent by users who had done
their own surveys and/or had some experience with one or more  of
these  DBMS.   Obviously,  with such a wide diversity of sources,
the types and details of the information  I  had  available  also
varied  widely.  I used the '?' to indicate where I lacked infor-
mation or where I suspected more information might be  available.
Please  feel  free  to note errors or omissions in my summary.  I
will try and incorporate your comments in the final draft of  the

Finally, for some of the DBMS I have listed a category "User  Ex-
perience:",  followed by a persons name and their electronic mail
address.  These people have had some  experience  with  the  DBMS
under  which  they are listed and have agreed to answer questions
you might have - if they can and if they  have  the  time.   They
have  not volunteered to be consultants. They've simply agreed to
provide answers to questions of  application,  user-friendliness,
etc.  that  you  might  not  get from other sources. Please don't
abuse their generous offers by sending them "Tell  me  everything
you know about ..." requests. I have the names of people who have
experience with several of the other  systems  listed  below  but
have  not  had the time to solicit their approval to include them
in the list.  If you have experience with any  of  these  systems
and  would be willing to be listed in the summary, please drop me
a line.

Thanks again to all of you who answered my inquiry and pointed me
in the right direction.

                              Gerry Key
                              Computer Sciences Corporation
                              4045 Hancock Street
                              San Diego, California 92110
                              (616) 225-8401
                              ARPANET: key@nosc
                              USENET: ..!philabs!sdcsvax!noscvax!key


     Vendor:          Relational Technology Incorporated
                      2855 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 515
                      Berkeley, California 94705
                      (415) 845-1700
     Contact:         Richard Scheffer (Sales Representative)
     Current Version: 1.2 (Version 2.0 planned for release
                           Summer 1983)
     CPU:             VAX-11/780 ($17,000)
                      Motorola 68000 - ?
     Unix Versions:   4.1bsd            Version 7?
     Cost:            (Includes single-CPU license, TAR tape with
                       binaries, 6 months of updates?, and 25 copies
                       of users' manual)
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     C
     Query Language:  Quel
     Data types:      Character     Integer
     Memory allocation: Dynamic
     Size limitations: Databases/system - Unlimited
                       Records/database - Unlimited
                       Relations/database - Unlimited
                       Attributes/relation - 49
                       Characters/attribute - 255
                       Characters/record - 1010
     Data compression: Strip trailing blanks
     Multiple Users:  Limited but changeable by installer
     Concurrency:     ?
     Index types:     Hash              ISAM
                      Heap (unsorted)   Sort
     Security type:   No user identification other than Unix's
     Security levels: Database, relation, attribute, data content,
                      terminal, date & time
     Recovery:        None
     User experience: Tom Vollmer
                        vollmer@nosc (ARPANET)
                      Dave Dewitt
                        dewitt@uwisc (ARPANET)


     Vendor:          Oracle Corporation
                      3000 Sand Hill Road 3-180
                      Menlo Park, California 94025
                      (415) 854-7350
     Contact:         ?
     Current Version: 3 (Version 3 is the current release of Oracle,
                      but will not be available for Unix systems
                      until Summer 1983)
     CPU:             Altos 68000            Fortune 68000
                      IBM PC                 Tandy
                      VAX (planned)
                      PDP-11 (running Oracle Version 2 only)
     Unix Versions:   Version 7       System III
                      4.1bsd (planned)
     Cost:            VAX 750-780 $24K-$48K +10%/year
                      (Cost range depends on whether first or
                       n-th CPU and whether you opt for no
                       support [$24K] or full support)
                      Oracle on microcomputers is sold by the vendors,
                      not Oracle, Inc.  Price typically ranges from
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     Pascal, C, Basic, Fortran, Macro, Cobol, PL/1
                      Call only; precompile with next release
     Query Language:  SQL
     Data types:      Character         Integer
                      Date              Floating
     Memory allocation: Dynamic
     Size limitations: Databases/system - 1
                       Records/database - 2G
                       Relations/database - 255
                       Attributes/relation - 255
                       Characters/attribute - ?
                       Characters/record - ?
     Data compression: ?
     Multiple Users:  ?
     Concurrency:     ?
     Index types:     ?
     Security type:   ?
     Security levels: ?
     Recovery:        Checkpoint/restart; log
     User Experience: Dawn Lundin
                        Dlundin.xls-onyx02@UDEL-Relay (ARPANET)


     Vendor:          Britton Lee, Incorporated
                      14600 Winchester Blvd.
                      Los Gatos, California 95030
                      (408) 378-7000
     Contact:         John Hackenburg (Sales Representative)
     Current Version: IDM-300 (-200 is base machine; -300 is same machine
                       for Unix-based host); includes 7-slot chassis
                       with maximum of 1 disk controller 1 Mbyte main
                       memory, 3 I/O channels, no accelerator option
                       available; tape drive available
                      IDM-600/1 and IDM-600/2 (-500 is base machine; -600
                       is same machine for Unix-based host); includes 16-slot
                       chassis, with maximum of 4 disk controllers, 6 Mbytes
                       main memory, 8 I/O channesl, accelerator option
                       and tape drive available

     CPU:             PDP-11         VAX-11/750-780
                      [NOTE: The IDM-300/600 are "database machines",
                       separate systems which may be used as a
                       standalone systems interfaced to intelligent
                       terminals or more typically backended to a
                       host computer.  The CPUs listed above are
                       host computers running Unix to which the
                       IDM-300/600 has been backended.]
     Unix Versions:   Version 7 (PDP-11)    4.1bsd (VAX)
                      [NOTE: as noted above, these are the versions
                       of Unix running on the host CPU to which the
                       IDM-300/600 has been backended.]
     Cost:            $59,500 (IDM-300)
                      $79,500 (IDM-600)- IDM 16-slot chassis
                       (These purchase prices includes the database
                        processor, 1 disk controller, 1 Mbyte main
                        memory, an IEEE 488 interface on the IDM side
                        and a Unibus interface card on the host side,
                        the relational software for the IDM, the database
                        software for the host, DEC-style cabinet, cables,
                        installation and 90-day warrenty [labor free;
                        user must pay travel and per diem], users' manual
                        and software reference manual.  The do not include
                        disks or host computer.  A software support program
                        for the host-side software has not been defined.)

     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C (host software) -query, dba facilities, runtime library
                      with interface to C; option precompile for C; report
                      writer, simple data entry processor, tuple-by-tuple
     Host Language
       Interface:     C (callable runtime library; precompiler planned
                       for future release)
     Query Language:  IDL (Quel-like), resident on host
     Data types:      Character (variable-length)
                      Floating  (4 & 8 byte)   store & retrieve, no ops
                      Integer (1, 2, & 4 byte)
                      Packed decimal (31-digit maximum)
                      Floating BCD
     Memory allocation: Dynamic
     Size limitations: Databases/system - 50 databases
                                        - 32 Gbytes
                       Records/relation - 2G
                       Objects (views, stored commands, etc)/database - 32K
                       Attributes/relation - 250
                       Characters/attribute - 255
                       Characters/record - 2000
     Data compression: Trailing and leading blanks
     Multiple Users:  600 can support 128 processes
     Concurrency:     Lock at 2K page level
     Index types:     B tree (secondary - clustered (sorted); one per relation
            non-clustered index in record, 254/relation)
     Security type:   Unix's
     Security levels: Relation level only; read, write and
                      database attribute (write only
     Recovery:        Audit trail & transaction log
     User experience: Dave Dewitt
                        dewitt@uwisc (ARPANET)


     Vendor:          Rhodnius, Inc.
                      10 St. Mary Street
                      Toronto, Ontario
                      CANADA M4Y 1P9
                      (416) 922-1743
     Contact:         Valerie Deacon (Sales Assistant)
                      Doug Phillips (Sales Manager)
                      John Kornatowski (President)
     Current Version: 2.1
     CPU:             VAX-11/780 ($13,500; 50% discount for educational inst.)
                      PDP-11/44-70 ($6750)
                      Motorola 68000 ($3775)      Zilog Z-8000 ($3775)
                      Intel 8086 ($3775)          Onyx ($3775)
                      Perkin-Elmer ($13,500)      Amdahl ($27,000)
                      IBM 33xx ($27,000)
     Unix Versions:   System III        V6
                      PWB               V7
                      Berkeley VAX      V32
                      Xenix             IS
                      Zeus              UTS
                      TSS               HCR/Unity
     Cost:            (Includes Mistress, report writer, screen
                      $250 (90-day demonstration package)
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     C & Unix Shell (standard)
                      FORTRAN, Pascal, & others (optional)
     Query Language:  Similar to IBM SQL
     Data types:      Character     Date
                      Decimal       Float
                      Integer       Dollar
     Memory allocation: Dynamic
     Size limitations: Databases/system - (one database/directory)
                       Records/database - 2G
                       Relations/database - 9,999
                       Attributes/relation - 9,999*
                       Characters/attribute - 2G*
                       Characters/record - (* no inherent limitation,
                        but could be limited by available memory)
     Data compression: ?
     Multiple Users:  No limitations
     Concurrency:     When using host language interface, lockout is
                      at the database level; when using the query
                      language, lockout is at the relation level.
     Index types:     B+ tree
     Security type:   No user identification other than Unix's
     Security levels: Can assign particular 'menus' (views?) to users,
                       but no multi-level security per se
     Recovery:        ?


     Vendor:          North American Technology Inc.
                      9570 S.W. Barbur Blvd.
                      Portland, Oregon 97219
                      (503) 245-6585
                      TWX 469220
     Contact:         Roberta Donovan (Dir. Marketing Serv.)
                      Bob Millward (Technical)
     Current Version: 2.0 (3.0 end of July)
     CPU:             DEC Systems
                        PDP 11/23-24-34       $2995
                        PDP 11/44-VAX 11/730  $5995
                        PDP 11/70-VAX 11/750  $9995
                        VAX 11/780-782       $15000
                      68000 Systems
                        PIXEL                Contact vendor
                        MOMENTEUM               "
                        FORWARD TECHNOLOGY      "
                        CODATA                  "
                        COMPUTHINK              "
                        FORTUNE                 "
                      Z8000 Systems
                        PLEXUS P40/P25        $2995
                        ONYX 8002             $2995
                        ZILOG SYSTEM 8000     $2995
                        SGS UX16             Contact vendor
                      8086 Systems
                        ALTOS 8600            $2995
                        INTEL                   ?
                        NABO Mfg. Corp.         ?
     Unix Versions:   V6, V7, System III
     Cost:            See above.  Price includesd Unitrieve, Sequel 2,
                       Report Writer, Menu Handler, Screen Handler,
                       Query by Forms, Host Language Interface, and
                      OEM & multiple-CPU discounts available
                      $70 200-page reference manual plus 200-page
                      $295 (2-day training class, in Portland)
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     RM COBOL (Fortran, Pascal planned for end of year)
     Query Language:  SEQUEL 2
     Data types:      Integer                   Floating
                      Character (fixed-length)  Date (>1900)
     Memory allocation: 100 Kbytes, fixed
     Size Limitations: Databases/system - unlimited
                        (one database/directory)
                       Relations/database - 256
                       Records/database - 2G
                       Attributes/relation - 100
                       Characters/record - 25,600
                       Characters/attribute  - 256
     Data compression: ?
     Multiple Users
      per Database:   Unlimited (system limit)
     Concurrency:     No lockout during updates
     Index types:     Hashing (primary keys)
                      Compressed B-trees (secondary keys)
                      Linked-list (ala System R)
     Security type:   User password
     Security levels: menu, program, data field
     Recovery:        Checkpoint/restart; log
     User Experience: Dawn Lundin
                        Dlundin.xls-onyx02@UDEL-Relay (ARPANET)


     Vendor:          Relational Database Systems, Inc.
                      1208 Apollo Way, Suite 503
                      Sunnyvale, California 94086
                      (408) 746-0982
                      Telex 467687
     Contact:         Bill Hedge (Sales Representative)
     Current Version: 2.0
                      3.0 - due April 1983
     CPU:             PDP 11/33-44-70       VAX 11
                      PIXEL                 ALTOS 68000
                      PLEXUS P40/P25        ONYX 8002
                      ZILOG SYSTEM 8000     ALTOS 8600
                      ALTOS 586             PERKIN-ELMER
                      BBN Machine           FORTUNE
     Unix Versions:   System III        Version 7
     Cost:            $12000 for VAX 11  (includes Informix, Ace
                       report writer, Perform screen handler,
                       C-isam access package, and manuals for each)
                      $1600 for ALTOS, FORTUNE, PIXEL (same products
                       as above)
                      $200 (demonstration package; $100 applicable
                       to purchase price)
                      Maintenance - 10% of purchase price
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     C, CIS COBOL (througy CISAM; from Microfocus)
     Query Language:  Informer
     Data types:      Version 2.0
                        Character  Integer (2-byte)  Floating (8-byte)
                      Version 3.0 (adds)
                        Integer (4-byte)  Money  Date  Serial-Number
     Memory allocation: Dynamic (Version 3.0)
     Size limitations: Version 2.0
                         Databases/system - Unlimited
                         Relations/database - 35
                         Records/database - Unix addressing limit
                         Attributes/database(!) - 300
                         Characters/attribute - 2048
                         Characters/record - 2048
                       Version 3.0
                         Available memory
     Data compression: Trailing blanks
                       Leading duplicate characters in index
     Multiple Users:  No limits
     Concurrency:     Lockout at record level during updates
     Index types:     Optimized B+ tree
     Security type:   Use Unix's user-identification
     Security levels: Can lock database, relation, and attribute
     Recovery:        Audit trail


     Vendor:          Logical Software, Inc.
                      55 Wheeler Street
                      Cambridge, Massachusettes 02138
                      (617) 864-0137
                      TWX 7103201382 ABT CAM
     Contact:         Kent M. Brown
                      Ilona A. Lappo
     Current Version: 3.0
     CPU (lease):     VAX ($22,000)                PDP-11/45-70 ($15,000)
                      Motorola 68000 ($20K + $5K)  8086 ($20K + $5K)
                      Onyx ($7500)
     Unix Versions:   Version 7         Venix
                      Xenix             Unisoft Unix
     Cost:            (Lease prices above include 9-track tape
                       with source code, manuals in nroff format,
                       scripts for building binaries, testing
                      $10,000 (Softshell on 9-track tape)
                      $2000 (5-day training class, in Mass.)
                      $800/day + expenses (consulting)
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     C & Unix Shell (standard)
     Query Language:  SelectQ, QuickQ, CompileQ
                      Softshell (Generalized Unix interface; separate
     Data types:      Character (fixed)   Date
                      Real                Money
                      Integer             Duration
     Memory allocation: System requires 64K; limit above that is system's
     Size limitations: Databases/system - Unlimited
                       Records/database - Unlimited
                       Relations/database - Unlimited
                       Attributes/relations - 256
                       Characters/attribute - Unlimited
                       Characters/record - Unlimited
     Data compression: ?
     Multiple Users:  No limit
                      Users can access two database simultaneously
     Concurrency:     Relation-level lockout?
     Index types:     B tree
     Security type:   Unix's user identification only
     Security levels: Relation level now
     Recovery:        See dated relaton


     Vendor:          Pacific Software Manufacturing Co.
                      2600 Tenth Street
                      Berkeley, California 94710
                      (415) 486-2070
     Contact:         Roseann Geyer (Sales Support Administrator)
     Current Version: 3?
     CPU (lease):     Standard release
                       Fortune 32:16 ($1395)
                       IBM PC (available 5/83)
                      Special order
                       VAX with 4.1bsd ($12,000)
                       Wicat 150, 160 ($1395)
                             200      ($1995)
                       Zilog System 8000 ($1995)
     Unix Versions:   4.1bsd
     Cost:            (Lease prices above include tape with binaries,
                       user's guide, sample database, demonstration
                       script, tutorial and installation instructions)
                       1.5% of lease price per month, or
                       $50/update release tape + $10/document update
                       Five free 20-minute calls
                       $10 per 20-minute call thereafter
     Data Model:      Relataional
       Language:      ?
     Host Language
       Interface:     C
     Query Language:  ?
     Data types:      Variable-length text   Numbers (?)
                      Money                  Date
     Memory allocation: ?
     Size limitations: ?
                       Relations - ?
                       Attributes - ?
     Data compression: ?
     Multiple Users:  ?
     Concurrency:     ?
     Index types:     B+ tree
     Security type:   ?
     Security levels: ?


     Vendor:          USA
                       User Software Engineering Distribution
                       Medical Information Science, Room A-16
                       University of California, San Francisco
                       San Francisco, California 94143
                       (415) 666-2951
                       Wiskundig Seminarium
                       Vrije Universiteit
                       de Boelelaan 1081
                       Postbus 7161
                       1007 MC Amsterdam
                       THE NETHERLANDS
                       (020) 548 24 10
     Contact:         USA
                       Anthony I. Wasserman (Professor)
                       Tina Walters (Distribution Manager)
                       Martin L. Kersten
     Current Version: 1.1
     CPU:             VAX (Version 7 Unix)
                      PDP-11 (single processor, separate I & D space)
     Unix Versions:   Version 7
     Cost:            $200 (US)  Dfl. 500 (Europe)
                       (Includes 9-track tape with source code,
                        object libraries, pages for 'man troll' and
                        executable version of Troll and Focus/USE [a
                        screen-oriented interface to Troll])
                      $15 (US)  Dfl. 40 (Europe) - (documentation)
     Data Model:      Relational
       Language:      C
     Host Language
       Interface:     C & Unix Shell
                      Fortran 77
     Query Language:  Procedural, relational algebra-like commands
                      Focus/USE can be used to "browse" Troll relations
                       with vi-like commands
     Data types:      Character (fixed-length)  Text (variable length)
                      Integer                   Scalar
                      Boolean                   User-defined scalar
     Memory allocation: Dynamic
     Size limitations: Databases/system - Unlimited
                       Records/database - Unix addressing limit
                       Relations/database - Unlimited number of relations
                                          - 12 relations active at one time
                                          - 16 Mbytes (32765 512-byte pages)
                                            per relation
                       Attributes/relation - 64
                       Characters/attribute - ?
                       Characters/record - 503?
     Data compression: Strip trailing blanks
     Multiple Users:  No limit
     Concurrency:     Lockout at relation level during updates (will change
                       with release of 4.2bsd)
     Index types:     B tree
     Security type:   Unix user identification only
     Security levels: Relation only
     Recovery:        Audit trail with user log