[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Hard Disk Type/Parameters ?

palm@srl.mew.mei.co.jp (Steve [kiwin] Palm) (05/27/91)

I am not sure if this is a FAQ or I will be unmercifully flamed... but...

A friend of mine trashed the system parameter EEPROM on his PC.
He needs the Disk Type Number or the parameters such as heads, cylinders,
precomp, etc.

Does any one know the info for a Western Digital  WD95044-A disk  ?

please email replies to mike@ai.mew.mei.co.jp

tks, kiwin 
Stephen [Kiwin] Palm                                palm@mew.mei.co.jp
Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.                    TEL: -81-6-908-6752 
Information & Communication R&D Lab                FAX: -81-6-906-0520
1048 Kadoma, Osaka 571, Japan                      MIC: 2134