[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Anyone used a Seagate 1102A ?

cbishop@zeus.dnet.ge.com (05/30/91)

In article <1218@keele.keele.ac.uk>, csw72@seq1.keele.ac.uk (D.J. Hulewicz) writes:
> With all the comments about 'stiction' on Seagate drives I would be interested
> if anyone else has any experience with the ST-1102A.

Trying not to be too technical, the ST-1102A that came in my ZEOS 386SX
has worked quite well in the 5-6 months I've had it.


csw72@seq1.keele.ac.uk (D.J. Hulewicz) (05/30/91)

I'm thinking of buying a ST-1102A 89MB IDE hard drive for my 386 to use along
with a 3.5inch 42MB IDE.

With all the comments about 'stiction' on Seagate drives I would be interested
if anyone else has any experience with the ST-1102A.

Also, why are 3.5 inch hard drives cheaper than 5.25 drives, and is there any
reliablity difference between the two sizes ?

Thanks in advance,


       Dominic J. Hulewicz          UUCP: ...!ukc!keele!csw72
  University of Keele, England.    JANET: csw72@uk.ac.keele.seq1
   -.-.  _   _ _  .  _  .  _      BITNET: csw72%uk.ac.keele@ukacrl.bitnet
   _|_| (_) | | | | | | | (_    INTERNET: csw72%uk.ac.keele@uk.ac.nsfnet-relay