[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Memory chip question

SASJNB@vm.sas.com (05/31/91)

I am in the process of trying to increase the memory in my PC and was
wondering if anyone out there could answer some questions.  I have a
clone that I bought from some guy out in California so it did not have
much documentation with it.  It is a 386 with room on the motherboard for
another meg of internal RAM.  I have the chip numbers and am trying to
match them.  This is also the case for my VGA board.  These are the

   Internal RAM (as appears on the chip)

         T Japan 8918HAK
         : TC51256P-80     (I figure it is 80 ns 256K X ? chip)

   VGA Board  ( all it says on the board is Platinum VGA-16)

          HY53C464S-10   (there is a delta symbol in front of the H)
          8922T  Korea

Here are the questions that I am looking to get answered.

  1) Can anyone tell me exactly what these chips are or what chips I should
     order to match them?  I don't have a book with which to look them up.
  2) Can anyone recommend a mail-order company that is good to order
     from?  I have a JDR Microsystems catalog but I am not sure which
     chips to order.
  3) Can someone tell me what I need to do after I install the chips
     (i.e. how to reinstall the BIOS) ?
  4) Does anyone have some recommendations on which extended memory
     board I should purchase?

Please email any replies to the address below.  Thank you in advance
for your response.  If anyone else would like to know the answers to
any of the questions, drop me a line and I will summarize what I get.

Jeff Beusse           (919) 677-8000 ext. 7722
snojnb@mvs.sas.com    SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Dr., Cary, NC  27513