[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Help with WD MFM controller please

sstrazdu@hopi.intel.com (Stephen Strazdus) (06/02/91)

I am trying to get my new quantum IDE drive to work with my old ST251.  I
tried using the suggestion from Patrick Draper, but I get a Fixed Disk
Controller error whenever I have both cards installed.  Does anyone know
what the jumpers on a WD1003-WAH controller card are?  Of course If
anyone actually got a Quantum LPS-105 and an ST251 to work together, I
wouldn't mind hearing how you did it.

If I risk it and get an RLL controller for my ST251 will it be any
easier to get it to work with an IDE drive?
Steve Strazdus    sstrazdu@hopi.intel.com