[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Stretching a PCjr to the MAX...

cayz@udel.edu (James Cayz) (06/04/91)

Hi All,

	If you aren't laughing already from the "keywords" line, here goes (get
ready to laugh).

	I have been asked to determine the feasability of putting both a hard
drive and CD Rom drive into a PCjr.  Obviously, these would have to be
EXTERNAL, or maybe internal to an expansion chassis, because I _know_ that they
won't fit into a PCjr case.  I am looking for recommendations on:

	1) Hard Drive / CD drive systems that work directly with the PCjr.

	2) Modifications for the PCjr that make it look more like a PC or XT
(expansion chassis, weird plug in modules, etc.), so that I can use std PC/XT
cards for a hard drive & CD rom

	3) Upgrades using any of the pieces of the PCjr.  I has informed that
the PCjr has a CGA (I don't believe CGA, I do believe "color monitor").  Given
that info, what could I salvage (monitor, RAM, etc.) if a new case, power
supply, motherboard (cheapy 8088 10Mhz), etc. was purchased?

	4) Resale value of the whole thing (STOP LAUGHING!!!! :-) ), so that we
can apply it towards the cost of (believe it or not) a 10Mhz XT system.

	I'll admit being pretty proficient at tearing PC/XT/AT/...  apart and
re-building, but the PCjr is just too different for me to know what the deal
is....  So, I ask you for your help and advice...

	******* Please - reply directly to me - I don't get the oppty to read
c.s.i.p.h that often (twice a month), so I miss many messages.  I will post a
summary to all interested parties, either individually, or to the net if I get
more than 10 summary requests.   ******

	Thank you in Advance for all your Advice, and I hope you had as good a
laugh as I did when I was asked the question :-) !!!

	James Cayz

|James Cayz can be found via:  SNAIL-: 203 Willard Hall Education Building|
|EMAIL Internet: cayz@udel.edu  MAIL : University of Delaware             |
|PHONE: 302-451-6307                 : Newark DE 19716-2920               |