[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] CD-ROM and Windows problems...

cab3@uafhp.uark.edu (Chad A. Bersche) (06/07/91)

I have recently installed an Amdek Laserdrive 1 SCSI CD-ROM onto my Everex Step
386/20.  It works perfectly well in all situations except when I use either
himem.sys or qemm386.sys (version 5.12) in conjunction with Windows 3.0 in 386
Enhanced Mode.  The symptom is when in a DOS window, if I attempt to access the
CD-ROM drive (dir g:, etc.) it terminates the window, and proceeds to lock the
entire system up (ala RESET switch).  I have tried excluding areas of RAM that
have been suggested in various text files on the use of RBBS with CD-ROM
drives and QEMM386.  The addresses I have excluded range from c800-c9ff to
a000-ffff with various modifications in between to no avail.

The system has 8M of extended memory, MS-DOS 4.01, and two ST251-1 hard drives,
and a SCSI CD-ROM controller card in addition to the standard serial ports,
floppies, etc.

As I said, the strangest thing is that it works fine except for this one case.
Any help would be much appreciated.
cab3@uafhp.uark.edu  -  Chad A. Bersche  University of Arkansas Fayetteville
Computer Science Engineering       
Gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level. - Marvin HHTTG