[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Chips and Technologies

kap@eng.cam.ac.uk (Kevin A.Price) (11/13/90)

Does anyone out there understand (or even have documentation) on
the different setups for the following Chips & Technologies chips.

I would like to know the following about the 82C206..

   XIOR/XIOW Wait States
   16 Bit DMA Wait States
   8 Bit DMA Wait States
   EMR Bit
   CLK Bit

And the following about the 82C301...

   Processor Clock Select
   Power Fail Warning
   Ready Timeout Enable
   AT Bus 32 Bit Cmnd Delay
   AT Bus 16 Bit Cmnd Delay
   AT Bus 8 Bit Cmnd Delay
   AT Bus I/O Cmnd Delay
   32 Bit AT Bus Wait States
   16 Bit AT Bus Wait States
   8 Bit AT Bus Wait States
   AT Bus Clock Source

Also the following about the 82C302...

   Middle Boot Write Protect
   Middle Boot ROM Control
   16MB I/O Memory Limit
   Min. Memory Configuration
   Single Bank/Interleave
   RAM/ROM Configuration
   RAM/ROM Control
   Map RAM at 040000-05FFFFH
   Map RAM at 060000-07FFFFH
   Map RAM at 080000-09FFFFH
   Map RAM at 0A0000-0BFFFFH
   Map RAM at 0C0000-0DFFFFH
   Map RAM at 0E0000-0FFFFFH
   Bank 0/1 DRAM Type
   Bank 0/1 Starting Address
   Bank 0/1 RAS Precharge
   Bank 0/1 Wait States
   Bank 2/3 DRAM Type
   Bank 2/3 Starting Address
   Bank 2/3 RAS Precharge
   Bank 2/3 Wait States
   Parity Check
   First 256K AF32# Control

Thanks in advance..

Kevin Price

e-mail        kap@eng.cam.ac.uk
  or          kap@rasp.eng.cam.ac.uk
  or          kap@uk.ac.cam.eng

leo@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Leorey Marquez) (06/09/91)

I would like to get in touch with the company CHIPS & TECHNOLOGIES regarding
their DMA chip for the 386. Could somebody please provide me with the
company's address and phone number? Thanks a lot.

Leo Marquez 

davem@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Dave McCrady) (06/09/91)

leo@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Leorey Marquez) writes:

> I would like to get in touch with the company CHIPS & TECHNOLOGIES regarding
> their DMA chip for the 386. Could somebody please provide me with the
> company's address and phone number? Thanks a lot.
> Leo Marquez 

  Chips & Tech is in San Jose, California.  Information in the 408 area 
code should be able to provide a number...

   Dave McCrady                 |  davem@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
+1 403-454-4054 (voice)         |  Edmonton Remote Systems
+1 403-454-6093 (public USENET) |  Serving Northern Alberta since 1982