(Murray Sherk) (06/08/91)
The SoundBlaster Developer Kit omits some important information about how to drive the card directly. Instead, they just tell you how to use their library routines. ("If we don't let you do it, you don't want to do it.") Example: In reading from the DSP, you do what the SDK says on page 7-5 only after sending the command 20h. I figured that out by disassembling parrot.exe. Before I go disassembling everything else in sight, does anybody know the rest of the omitted commands: e.g. Write command, Speaker on/off, etc.? Thanks, Murray Sherk (Greg Alt - Perp) (06/09/91)
In article <>, (Murray Sherk) writes: > The SoundBlaster Developer Kit omits some important information about > how to drive the card directly. Instead, they just tell you how to use their > library routines. ("If we don't let you do it, you don't want to do it.") > > Example: In reading from the DSP, you do what the SDK says on page 7-5 only > after sending the command 20h. I figured that out by disassembling parrot.exe. > > Before I go disassembling everything else in sight, does anybody know > the rest of the omitted commands: e.g. Write command, Speaker on/off, etc.? I have some source code for accessing all of the .VOC commands.... It will load the driver, and let you do everything. I will post it in a week or two when I can get time (after finals). Greg (Murray Sherk) (06/12/91)
The SoundBlaster Developer's Kit DOES actually contain all the information a person needs to program the SB's DSP directly through I/O ports. However, you will not find the command information (or pointers to it) in the chapter entitled "Programming the DSP". -- Murray Sherk