[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Request for info on Microsoft bus mouse

delman@vax.oxford.ac.uk (06/12/91)

This is a re-post. The first one seems to failed, didn't even reached our
local site.

Can someone give me some low-level information on the Microsoft bus mouse,
please? Things like 1) which I/O ports are used by it and 2) what do they mean,
e.g. bits in the status or control bytes.

Thanks in advance!

   Delman Lee
   Dept. of Engineering Science,
   Oxford University,
   Parks Road,                   Internet & BITNET: delman@sun.eng.ox.ac.uk
   Oxford, OX1 3PJ, U.K..                    JANET: delman@uk.ac.ox.eng.sun

sorrow@oak.circa.ufl.edu (06/13/91)

Geez, all my previous ranting and raving and your site DIDN'T EVEN GET IT!  

Well, never mind then.  All I can say is to get the "Logitech Mouse Programmers
Toolkit and Reference".  It includes a wonderful reference (including low
level stuff -- ports, line conditions, byte stream, etc.), INT33H interface
code in ASM, C, and Mod-2, etc. and it is only 25 dollars.  Available direct
from Logitech.

If someone tells you to get the Microsoft Mouse PRogrammer's Reference, DON'T.
It's a piece of crap.  Period.  Doesn't cover different memory models, doesn't
do anything low level (the lowest it goes is interrupts -- which you can get
from Ralf Brown's interrupt list), spends over half the book talking about
using the mouse driver and mouse menus (whooptie-doo), etc.

The Logitech number is 1-415-795-0801

Brian Hook -- MS-DOS Programmer for Contract
"Seamus, that's my dog...I saw her today at the reception...sorry, sixTEEN
inches....better save the women and children first...but this one goes to 11!
..anymore of that plutonium nyborg?....there can be only ONE!....like a 
finger pointing to the moon....ease the seat back...one day closer to death