[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Help! Adaptec 1542b+Maxtor & file corruption

dtw@acsu.buffalo.edu (daniel t wesolowski) (06/17/91)


I just resently bought a Adaptec 1542b and a Maxtor xt-8760s drive.
The problem that I am having is file corruption. If I xcopy from
one partition to another, or xcopy many floppy disks to a partition,
I have a 50% chance that the partition copy to will be trashed.
(FAT/directory table becomes corrupted.)

The 1542b is at the default configuration and the only change needed
on the drive was to change it from target 6 to 0. I'm running this
in a 386/33 using Dos 5.0 with the aspi4dos.sys driver loaded. The
drive is broken up into four 160meg partitions.

I am new to the SCSI world and unsure of what changes I should try.
Any help/tips you could give me will be most appreciated.


Dan Wesolowski
University at Buffalo                          BITNET:    dtw@sunybcs.BITNET
                                               Internet:  dtw@cs.Buffalo.EDU