[net.travel] Del Rio, Texas

ksadler@uok.UUCP (05/09/84)

uok!ksadler    May  9 10:22:00 1984


	This is probably not a request like most found under net.travel,
	but maybe someone can help me out anyway.  I am going to be moving
	to Del Rio, Texas, this fall.  Since I had hardly even heard of
	the place, and had to look it up on a map just to find out where
	it is (it's on the border of Mexico in the 'armpit' of TX),  I would 
	appreciate any information anyone might have on it or the surrounding

	For anyone who's familiar with the area:

		1)  In what shape is the main highway between San Antonio
	   and Del Rio?  What is the average driving time between the two

		2)  I know there is a very large, nice lake just outside
	   Del Rio, but what about other recreational activities in the

        Any other information is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
