[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] HELP! Memory error 2?

c60c-2ia@web-2d.berkeley.edu (Wei-Lun Tsai) (06/19/91)

I have an XT-compatible w/ 640K of RAM on it.  Recently I bought a memory ex-
pansion card for it which would allow me to add up to 2MB of LIM expanded
memory to my XT.  It's a full-length card with 8 memory banks.  Each bank will
accept a group of 9 DRAM chips.  So if I had 8 sets of 256Kx9 DRAM's, I would
have 2MB on board.  But recently I have had strange problems which seems to
come from the board.
Sometimes if I use programs such as Manifest or Norton SI to check or to per-
form speed tests on expanded memory, my computer will completely crash, the
screen (Hercules) goes blank, and a message "MEMORY ERROR 2" appears on the
screen.  If I use Ctrl-Alt-Del (Is that what people call a warm boot) to reboot
the machine, computer will crash again and the MEMORY ERROR 2 message will
appear again.  So I must use reset button (cold boot?) to reboot the computer.

Does anyone know why?  That problem is starting to get on my nerves!
