[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] 72Hz VGA Card Recommendation Sought

sip1@quads.uchicago.edu (Timothy F. Sipples) (06/27/91)

Thanks to all who responded with great monitor suggestions.  I appreciate it.
I looks like I'm going with a Panasonic C1381 monitor.

To follow up, though, I'm now looking for a VGA card.  Here are the
characteristics I'm most concerned with, appropriate for that monitor:

- must have 72Hz vertical refresh in standard VGA modes (plus 640x480x256);
- 512K;
- 16 bit;
- must have 60Hz (not 56Hz) vertical refresh in 800x600 modes;
- support for OS/2 1.3 PM in above modes (16 color -- 256 color possible?)
  with above refresh rates;
- well supported otherwise.

Do all Trident 8900 boards perform the above feats?  Do all Tseng Labs ET4000
boards perform the above magic?

I'm one of those unfortunate people who get see flicker fairly easily.

Thanks for your advice.

Timothy F. Sipples				sip1@quads.uchicago.edu