[comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware] Micropolis 1558 info needed

davem@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Dave McCrady) (07/01/91)

  I recently bought a Micropolis 1558 drive at an auction. I know it's
ESDI, and the label indicates it's a 381 Mb unit (that's possibly 
unformatted capacity, I don't know.

  If anyone has info re number of heads, cylinders and such, I'd be most 
grateful if you pass them along.  Post or mail as you wish .. I keep on 
top of this newsgroup.

   Dave McCrady                 |  davem@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
+1 403-454-4054 (voice)         |  Edmonton Remote Systems
+1 403-454-6093 (public USENET) |  Serving Northern Alberta since 1982