(Doug Sewell) (06/29/90)
I've had several requests for information about the Turbo-C mailing list. To subscribe, send e-mail to LISTSERV@UCF1VM.BITNET (if your mailer doesn't know about .BITNET, try LISTSERV%UCF1VM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU). The subject will be ignored. The body of the mail should be: SUB TURBOC-L first-name lastname HELP as in 'sub turboc-l Joe Doakes'. To unsubscribe, send mail to the same server, first line should be unsub turboc-l Listserv is a SERVER, not a PERSON. It doesn't understand 'please add me to your Turbo C mailing list' or .sig files. The first line that isn't a listserv-command will stop processing. It doesn't care about case for the commands, but you probably want to use mixed-case for your name. You'll get two mail responses - the first will be a short 'blurb' echoing your incoming mail and Listserv's responses. The second will be a 'welcome to the list' message. To send mail to the list, address it to TURBOC-L@UCF1VM.BITNET (or TURBOC-L%UCF1VM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU). Doug (Doug Sewell) (06/29/90)
Geez, people! I thought I made it clear: To subscribe, send to LISTSERV@UCF1VM.BITNET To post, send to TURBOC-L@UCF1VM.BITNET If your mailer doesn't understand @UCF1VM.BITNET, then try %UCF1VM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU, instead. Go back and read my earlier posting. There have been three or four subscription requests sent to the mailing list so far. Doug