[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Query: What is the difference between MSC 6.0 and QuickC 2.0?

keating@casemo.UUCP (John Keating ) (07/31/90)


	Basically, the subject line says it all...  What extras do you get
with MSC 6.0 that you don't get if you buy the QuickC alone?  Is QuickC
sufficient to write windows programs?  Or would I need what I would guess are
extra libraries only included in MSC?  (I know about the SDK...)

	Any help would be appreciated...  If I can get away with spending 
quite a bit less for QuickC, and still have the functionality I need, I'll 
do it, otherwise, I'll need to start looking for a used version of MSC...

	Thanks in advance...
			John W. Keating, III

/* John W. Keating, III      * Convinced by his buddies that in actual fact   */
/* mimsy!casemo!keating      * they were only grave "borrowing," a young Igor */
/* keating@rex.cs.tulane.edu * starts on his road to crime.  - G. Larson      */