lyda@sybil.cs.Buffalo.EDU (kevin lyda) (08/02/90)
this program compiles perfectly and runs with the problem described at the end of the code. {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,I+,L+,N-,O-,R-,S+,V+} {$M 16384,0,327680} program test; uses dos; var log : text; f : file; attr : word; begin assign(f,'c:\language'); assign(log,'c:\tmp\log'); rewrite(log); setfattr(f,hidden); writeln(log,doserror); {----> 0 } getfattr(f,attr); {no dos error from setfattr } writeln(log,attr,' ',doserror); {----> 18 0 } setfattr(f,directory); {hidden directory, no dos } {error from getfattr } writeln(log,doserror); {-??-> 5 } getfattr(f,attr); {dos error `file access } {denied' from setfattr } writeln(log,attr,' ',doserror); {----> 18 0 } close(log); {directory is still hidden..} end. question: why is file access denied? when i hide an archive file i can unhide it later, but not directories. is this a bug and more importantly, is there a way i can hide AND unhide directories?