db21@cbnewsc.att.com (david.beyerl) (08/10/90)
In article <1990Aug9.163922.4620@uwasa.fi>, ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) writes: > In article <1990Aug8.125813.20179@isdserv.dh.boeing.com> t46300@isdserv.dh.boeing.com (Colin Moneypenny) writes: > > Can someone please tell me where I can FTP the latest interrupt > >list by Ralf Brown. Please send EMAIL. > > /pc/pd2/inter390.zip at chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland, >, kindly uploaded to our site by Ralf himself. When Ralf sent out the notice that the new list was being distributed, he indicated that he hoped it might also be posted to the net. I haven't see it anywhere on the net and do not have ftp capability. As a result, I haven't gotten an update in almost a year! Certainly ftp cuts down on a lot of net chatter, but in our efforts to become so efficient, lets not forget that there are people out here` that do not have access capability. Dave Beyerl att!ihlpl!db21
ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (08/11/90)
In article <1990Aug10.101931.28558@cbnewsc.att.com> db21@cbnewsc.att.com (david.beyerl) writes: >In article <1990Aug9.163922.4620@uwasa.fi>, ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) writes: >> In article <1990Aug8.125813.20179@isdserv.dh.boeing.com> t46300@isdserv.dh.boeing.com (Colin Moneypenny) writes: >> > Can someone please tell me where I can FTP the latest interrupt >> >list by Ralf Brown. Please send EMAIL. >> >> /pc/pd2/inter390.zip at chyde.uwasa.fi, Vaasa, Finland, >>, kindly uploaded to our site by Ralf himself. > > When Ralf sent out the notice that the new list was being >distributed, he indicated that he hoped it might also be posted to >the net. I haven't see it anywhere on the net and do not have ftp >capability. As a result, I haven't gotten an update in almost a year! >Certainly ftp cuts down on a lot of net chatter, but in our efforts >to become so efficient, lets not forget that there are people out here` >that do not have access capability. People without ftp capability have not been quite forgotten. It is only that posting binaries to the net is a moderated process, and it takes its time. In the meanwhile, perhaps some of the information below (mostly the listserver part) will be of some interest. Remember also that Ralf's list is so well known that any selfrespecting BBS is bound to have it (of cource then you need a modem). Please note that if you follow-up, we should take this discussion over to comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d. The subject now begins to belong much better in there. And my apologies for anyone who may justifiably feel annoyed about this message still being posted to comp.os.msdos.programmer. ------------------- begin prerecorded message ---------------------- From: Prof. Timo Salmi (Moderating at anon. ftp site School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun There are some frequently asked questions about the programs available from chyde.uwasa.fi, by anonymous ftp, from the /pc/.. directories here at the University of Vaasa, Finland, site Below you will find many of them prerecorded with answers. Please notice that the questions & answers are not in any logical order. The order has more or less been dictated by the arriving questions. And, there is overlapping. ................................................................... Anonymous ftp site chyde.uwasa.fi is moderated by Timo Salmi ts@chyde.uwasa.fi PC directories /pc/pd2 and /pc/ts Harri Valkama hv@chyde.uwasa.fi PC and Mac files, and uploads Hannu Hirvonen hh@chyde.uwasa.fi VAX/VMS, Unix, system manager ................................................................... 1. ***** Q: I do not understand this getting files with anonymous ftp. What does it mean? A: Ftp stands for file transfer program, which is a standard feature in many mainframe Unix and VAX/VMS systems. It also means that you must have a network connection to reach University of Vaasa. Please contact your computer's system manager for more information on the connection. When this is ok, just follow the instructions in the Appendix at the end of this prerecorded message. 2. ***** Q: Many of us users have no ftp access. Would you please send programs to me by email. A: Sorry. The reply to this frequent query is a definite no. There is so much demand for programs that providing this kind of service would simply get out of hand. But see also the Q&A on file servers. 3. ***** Q: Why announce programs in the comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d newsgroup when many users do not have the ftp capability? A: Look at it this way. I know this is a problem. In fact I had an interesting and lengthy email discussion with one user about this dilemma. Let me put forward my own view about c.b.i.p.d. I feel that the primary purpose of a group like this is (or should be) to disseminate and exchange useful information about PC programs. A secondary purpose is to exchange information about getting files. In getting the files there are four major alternatives, that is posting in binaries, ftp, emailing between users, and BBSes. What this amounts to is that even if you do not have the ftp capability, the information may give you usefuls hints what programs to look for via the many alternative methods of getting the files. 4. ***** Q: Do you announce all your new programs in c.b.i.p.d? A: No, with the exception of the programs in the /pc/ts directory we have only announced programs that we have felt particularly interesting for one reason or another. One reason for this is to diminish traffic by avoiding duplicating the information sent out by Simtel20. This is because very many of our programs are available at both (and many other) sites. Incidentally, this does not imply that all programs announced by Simtel20 will automatically be available at our site, nor vice versa. 5. ***** Q: I have the ftp (file transfer program) capability and a network access that includes your site chyde.uwasa.fi. But how do I transfer the files? What are the commands? A: The information and examples in the appendix (see below) should enable you to get the files. 6. ***** Q: I have received the programs but the package is corrupt. When I try to unpak them with my unpacking program (pkxarc, pkunpak, arc, pkunzip, lharc, zoo, etc.) the unpacking fails or produces files that lock my PC. A: This is almost always due to failing to transfer the files correctly from your mainframe to your PC. Please see the latter part of the appendix for more information. 7. ***** Q: I would rather like to get the files from Simtel20 since I have an easier access there. Send me a list telling in which directories the files are in Simtel20. A: We are very often asked this (and other) information about Simtel20. We do like to cooperate with Simtel20, but nevertheless this is really something you should find out from Simtel20, not us. Here is an edited extract from Simtel20, which you might find of interest: The index of SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, with descriptions, is PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>SIMIBM.IDX. An archived version of the same file is in PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>SIMIBM.ARC. Messages about system problems, FTP problems, and network problems should be directed to ACTION@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL. Messages about files in the MSDOS collection should be directed to w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL. 8. ***** Q: Do you have a guest user-id? I cannot ftp, but I can reach your site through the net. I type anonymous at the login: and then try to give my email address at the Password:. I am not let in, but get a "Login incorrect" message instead. A: We do not accept guest users. This means that what you tried, is not allowed at our site. The only way you can get connected to our system is using the true ftp system, which is described in the appendix. 9. ***** Q: I now have the files, but they have this .arc (or .lzh, .pak, .zip, .zoo) extension and they won't run then I write their name at my DOS prompt. A: The files are packed (also often called archived) entities. These are special formats of compressing files and packing several files together. This is usually standard knowledge for PC users, and if you are not familiar with the system, just ask a knowledgeable fellow user. What you need is the proper unpacking programs such as ARC, PKXARC, PKUNPAK, PKUNZIP, PAK, LHARC, ZOO and so on. And, you will find all the necessary tools for handling packed files in the /pc/pd2 directory. For example, if the extension is .zip get the self-extracting pkz102.exe utility (or whatever is latest version). 10. ***** Q: Please, tell me how to get the files sent to me using file-servers. A: I know very little about file servers, and I cannot answer questions concerning them. I know that we do not have a fileserver or any other system at our site that would email the files upon request. I also know that Simtel20, who have many of the same files, can be sent file requests. The following edited extracts should give some direction: "WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET via LISTSERV@NDSUVM1, LISTSERV@RPIECS, LISTSERV@FINTUVM and in Europe from EARN TRICKLE servers. Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example: TRICKLE@TREARN). The following TRICKLE servers are presently available: AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium), DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 (Germany), IMIPOLI (Italy), EB0UB011 (Spain) and TREARN (Turkey). Messages about problems with BITNET or EARN file servers should be directed to the system administrator at the server location. SIMTEL20 does NOT run these servers. I (Keith Petersen) have frequently posted instructions on how to get files from SIMTEL20 via listserv@vm1.nodak.edu. You can get a file by sending an email message to: listserv@vm1.nodak.edu In the body of the message say, for example, this: /PDGET MAIL PD1:<MSDOS.GRAPHICS>VGAIMG12.ARC UUENCODE Do not include a signature because it confuses the server." If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most MSDOS SIMTEL20 files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC is a networked system with multiple lines that support 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps (HST). DDC is not a free system but the hourly cost is only 17 cents. It's also accessible on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. 11. ***** Q: I have made some programs myself which I think might be of general interest. Would it be possible to upload them to your system. A: Yes, we are certainly interested in all quality programs. (A proper documentation is one of the prerequisites). Please contact Harri Valkama hv@chyde.uwasa.fi for more information. 12. ***** Q: Is there a description of the programs? I would like to have some information on the files before I start transferring them. A: Yes, certainly. This approach is even recommended. There is a a 00read.me file of general information, and a file called 0contents which has a general description of the files. Also see 0directory.list. Furthermore, directories /pc/pd2 and /pc/ts have contents files of their own. They are called 0dir-pd2 and 0dir-ts, respectively. Both the directories also have a file which has news on updates and such information. They are called 0news-pd2 and 0news-ts, respectively. Finally there is a (/pc/ts/)tsarcxxx.txt (where xxx stands for a changing version number). It contains more detailed information on the contents of each of the packages in the /pc/ts directory. 13. ***** Q: I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago. Did you receive it? Why don't you reply? A: I try to reply to all queries I have received. But getting the reply to you successfully is not always technically possible. The reason for this is, that the reply address which the mail program gives, is sometimes not adequate. My reply bounces back to me as a consequence. Therefore you should include your InterNet and/or BitNet address in your message. Using proper signatures in email is customary, anyway. This does not guarantee a successful reply, but it definitely increases the possibility of getting an eventual reply. 14. ***** Q: When I try to unpack the package I get something like an "unknown packing method" error message. What is wrong. A: First check that you are using the correct unpacking program by looking at the extension of the file name, and select the unpacking program accordingly. If this does not help, you are most likely using an outdated version of the relevant unpacking program. Get the latest version. The /pc/pd2 directory has a good collection of these tools. 15. ***** Q: I am interested to know if there exists a program for such and such purpose. Would you point me in the right direction. (This question also often occurs in the news postings.) A1: Most often the best answer is to look through file lists. We have several such lists which should together have quite a good coverage of the PD programs in circulation. These lists are /pc/0contents, /pc/pd2/0dir-pd2, /pc/ts/0dir-ts (lists for our site, chyde.uwasa.fi), /pc/pd2/files-mm.zip (a good English speaking Finnish BBS), and /pc/pd2/simibm.zip (Simtel20 list). A2: How to find files on chyde.uwasa.fi: If you are looking for a particular program at chyde.uwasa.fi you should always start by getting the following three files: /pc/0contents /pc/pd2/0dir-pd2 /pc/ts/0dir-ts And for seeing what is new in the /pc/pd2 and /pc/ts directories, get /pc/pd2/0news-pd2 /pc/ts/0news-ts A3: To save you the trouble of downloading all of those files if all you want is to search for one or two programs, you can use an index server maintained by Raymond Chen (raymond@math.berkeley.edu). To obtain instructions, send email with the subject "Command" (the subject is crucial) and containing the single word "help" to one of the following addresses (please choose the address closer to you): raymond@math.berkeley.edu (California, USA) rjc@math.princeton.edu (New Jersey, USA) 16. ***** Q: I have noticed that some directories at chyde.uwasa.fi include files that have a .Z extension. What are they? A: They are Unix files. Chyde.uwasa.fi is a Unix system, and many these files are related to handling the PC files without having first to transfer them to from the Unix mainframe to the PC. Please see /unix/ts/0news-u for more details. 17. ***** Q: Exactly where does one obtain the files listed in files-mm.zip? There didn't seem to be any indication to that effect in the FILES.TXT file, and I'm almost certain you don't keep them at chyde... A: They are available at FidoNet node 2:515/1, Micro Maniacs Opus, Finland, phone 358-0-425966. The reason for having files-mm.zip is to have a file list of one good BBS so that the users can look what kind of files are available in one good bulletin board, even if Simtel20 or chyde.uwasa.fi do not have all these files. 18. ***** Q: (This question comes in various formats, but the point of all the queries is that the user's host does not know chyde.uwasa.fi.) I received your message last week on how to use FTP. However, after judicious perusal of your text, I still cannot access the files. Here is an exact transcription of the error message I get: $ FTP FTP>con "chyde.uwasa.fi" %UCX-E-FTP_HSTINF, Failed to get host information for chyde.uwasa.fi from database -RMS-E-RNF, record not found. Can you please help? I even tried using in the CONNECT command. A: This may depend on the version of the ftp program, but ours uses open instead of connect, but I doubt that this is your real problem. The most probable problem is that your site does not include the information on our domain and/or site. To my knowledge there is nothing that we can do about that here at chyde.uwasa.fi. It is up to your own system manager. I do not know the technical details, but if there are any that your system manager needs from us, tell him/her contact ours. He is Hannu Hirvonen, hh@chyde.uwasa.fi. But first of all check that your syntax in our ftp usage is correct. Is using the quotes valid, etc. When you could not reach chyde.uwasa.fi by using its name, you did the right thing in then trying to use the site IP number before giving up. Users sometimes fail to notice that using the site number occasionally is sufficient to solve the problem. Incidentally, your query begins to belong to frequently asked questions and I shall include an edited copy of this message to the Q&A. ***** APPENDIX: Obtaining the Programs ================================ You can obtain the file(s) from chyde.uwasa.fi ( using the InterNet ftp (file transfer program) with username "anonymous". For a login password use your electronic mail address. If you are using ftp from a VAX/VMS system, set case lower before proceeding. Consider as an example the programs of Timo Salmi. The files are in directory /pc/ts. At the ftp> prompt first type binary (for binary files). To go to the relevant directory apply cd /pc/ts. To see its contents apply ls or dir. To download a file, use get filename or mget filenames. The files have been packed with PKPAK so you will need PKUNPAK from PKWARE to unpack them in your PC. The following contains the same information by giving the commands needed for transferring vaasa.inf (contains text on Finland, Vaasa, and University of Vaasa) and tspfon29.arc as an example. In the example its is assumed that you are calling from a Unix system. The usage for a VAX/VMS system is quite similar. It is recommended that you first get the file 0dir-pd2 for more information. ftp #Invoke the file transfer program open #Connect to chyde.uwasa.fi at the University #of Vaasa anonymous #Use this name to get temporary privileges Give your email address as your password cd /pc/ts #Go to the relevant directory dir #Directory of available files ascii #vaasa.inf is an ordinary text file get vaasa.inf #Copy the file to your default directory binary #tspfon29.arc is a binary file mget tspfon*.arc #mget allows wildcards close #Terminate the connection quit #Quit the file transfer program Transferring the Programs to PC =============================== After you have received the files to your host, there still remains the task of transferring the programs to your PC. This is familiar to most users, but occasionally there are problems. It impossible to give advice that would cover resolving all the difficulties, but the most common can be described. The most usual file transfer method between the host Kermit and the user's PC is MsKermit. (Z-modem and others may be used as well, but I would guess that most often persons using these alternatives are advanced users, and can resolve any problems by themselves.) The most common problem is probably that after getting a packed file to one's PC, the file appears damaged. Almost always this is due to failing to set correctly the Kermit parameters at ONE or BOTH ends of the transfer. What you have to do is the following. In your host Kermit set file type binary, set parity even (or none or whatever), and in your PC MsKermit you must have the SAME parity you set for your host (select host Kermit parity on the basis of your PC's). If you fail to get these compatible, the transfer will not result in what you want. Transferring text files does not lead to problems so often. The trick is set file type text (or ascii depending on your Kermit version). Finally, if nothing else, absolutely nothing else(!), seems to resolve the problem, please let us know, and we will check that the file at our site is good and proper. -------------------- end prerecorded message -----------------------
davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (08/14/90)
In article <1990Aug10.101931.28558@cbnewsc.att.com> db21@cbnewsc.att.com (david.beyerl) writes: | When Ralf sent out the notice that the new list was being | distributed, he indicated that he hoped it might also be posted to | the net. I haven't see it anywhere on the net and do not have ftp | capability. Watch cbip for the next few days. -- bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen) sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list "Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me