[net.travel] Request info on Pacific Northwest

ejc@hocsd.UUCP (06/19/84)

I am planning a trip from Seattle to San Francisco in July. Any
recomendations? I have the LET'S GO: California and the Pacific
Northwest book. Specifically I have the following questions?

1) Good areas for whitewater rafting?
2) Is Oregon Caves worthwhile (can you do some very amateur
spelunking or is it another one of those paved caves with
electricity and phone service e.g. Howe Caverns )
3) How cold does it get? How wet.
4) Is it worth it to go to Olympic for only a day?
5) Where is the best costal area? Both for beaches and scenery?
6) There is no number 6.
7) Can you go to the top of Mt. Lassen in a day hike? (& return)
8) Mt St. Helens: Is she smokin'? What is the best way to see it.
9) Being from Manhattan I may o.d. on nature by day 3. Just in
case , what good city stuff is there in Seattle, Portland or
San Francisco? Especially walking around type things.
10) Is the Boeing factory tour good. Is the building really
bigger then the Bell Labs Holmdel atrium? What about the
Weyerhauser tour?
11) Nightlife?
12) Anything interesting on the way from Lassen to S.F.?
13) Speed traps in Oregon, Washington?
14) Is it worth it to spend two days in B.C.? Where?
15) Good day hikes in Olympic, Rainier, and Lassen?

O.K. Thanks a lot. If you are ever in NY stop by Houston St. and The
Bowery, tell them I sent you and you will get your windows cleaned.

Elliot Cohen
Home (212)473-3768
Work (201)834-4415