[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Patching Command.Com

spg@alpha.sunquest.com (Steve Gibbons) (09/18/90)

Netters and DOS hackers,

I would like to patch COMMAND.COM for DOS 2.11 on a DEC  Rainbow so that 
ECHO OFF is the default for batch files.  I remember seeing a DEBUG script 
that accomplished this in a back issue of PC Magazine or PC World, but I've
since cleaned my closet out... :-(

Blessed be thee and thine,

|Steve Gibbons, HIS Interfacing| 602/885-7700 x2649 | spg@alpha.sunquest.com |
| Sunquest Information Systems |     296-8936 (Fax) | ^^^^^^^Internet^^^^^^^ |
| 930  N. Finance Center Drive |     885-6892 (Alt) | ALPHA::SPG,NEREID::SPG |
| Tucson, Arizona   85710-1343 | Res.293-2673 (Msg) | ^^^^^^^Locally^^^^^^^^ |