[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Macro names into strings in TC 2.0

manning@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Evan Marshall Manning) (09/21/90)

I'm having some trouble getting the symbols in #defined constants into
strings.  It seems like what I'm doing below should work (__MSDOS__
side of #ifdef) but it gives:

The table has 2 values:
                   8            8
                  GO            0

instead of:

The table has 2 values:
              MAX_AE            8
                  GO            0

Near as I can tell from July '90 CUJ everyone's scrambling for fancy
ways to put the value in strings & putting the symbol is what happens
when you're not careful.  But it doesn't work for me.

  -- Evan

#include	<stdio.h>
#ifdef __MSDOS__
#define        STRINGIZE(arg)        #arg
#define        STRINGIZE(arg)        "arg"
#define        MAX_AE        8
typedef enum
} gonogo;
#define        TBL_CONST(symbol)        { STRINGIZE(symbol), symbol}
typedef struct {
        char        sv_symb[21];
        int        sv_value;
} symbol_value_type;
symbol_value_type        syval[]
= {
#define        NUM_TBL_CONST        (sizeof(syval) / sizeof(syval[0]))
main (void) {
        int        syval_ix;
        printf("The table has %d values:\n", NUM_TBL_CONST);
        for ( syval_ix = 0; syval_ix < NUM_TBL_CONST; syval_ix++ ) {
                printf("%20s\t%5d\n", syval[syval_ix].sv_symb,

Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT for so | Evan M. Manning
long.  You feel sleepy.  Notice how restful it is  |      is
to watch the cursor blink.  Close your eyes.  The  |manning@gap.cco.caltech.edu
opinions stated above are yours.  You cannot       | manning@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
imagine why you ever felt otherwise.               | gleeper@tybalt.caltech.edu