[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Answers and Data for Re: Child processes in Mess-Dos

lfk@athena.mit.edu (Lee F Kolakowski) (10/04/90)

Here is the scoop on the child processes in "C". Not MSDOS.
All putatively ANSI compilers adhere to this. I use MSC
and since version 4.0 It has followed these rules.

spawn family:
	This family of functions takes either an argv style args or
	a NULL terminated list of arguments. There are four
	versions of each and *NONE* of these execute command.com
	unless command.com is the argument of the function.
		spawnl{pe}	-	"l"	means list
						the argv[0] argument
						must be a complete
					"lp"	list and path
						the argv[0] argument
						does not need to be a 
						full path, the path will
						be searched.
					"le"	list and environment
						the argv[0] argument
						must be a complete
						pathname. The environment
						can be modified and passed 
						as a NULL terminated list 
						to the sub process.
					"lpe"	list, path, environment
						the argv[0] argument
						does not need to be a 
						full path, the path will
						be searched. The
						environment can be modified 
						and passed
						as a NULL terminated list 
						to the sub process.

		spawnv{pe}	-	"v"	means vector
						this means an argv like 
						argument where
						argv[n+1] == NULL.
						all the different
						versions are just as
						specified above.

	All of the spawn family have a mode. In MSDOS the modes
are P_OVERLAY and P_WAIT. P_NOWAIT and others are not implemented.
P_WAIT says run the command specified with the arguments specified on
top of the current process, and then return to the current process
upon completion of the child. P_NOWAIT overlays the current process
with the child.

exec family:
	This is exactly the same as the spawn functions with
P_NOWAIT as the mode. All eight functions as specified above
execl{pe}, execv{pe}. Again unless command.com is the argument to be
executed It is not loaded.

	loads command.com and executes the command specified.

	runs the command specified under the command processor
	asynchronously. (Not really valid under MSDOS, but there
	are impletmentations of it.

for example
/* A test program */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>

	char * command = "ps";
	spawnlp(P_WAIT, "ps.exe", (char *) NULL);
/* the output of ps
3087 258c 0728 3097 (sh.exe) c:/bin/sh.exe -R 0 <- my shell
37b0 37ef 003a
37eb FREE 0003      48 bytes
37ef 3087 1206 39f5 (test.exe) ./test.exe <- the test program
49f6 4a31 003a
4a31 37ef 02c0 4be3 c:/bin/ps.exe <- the process started by spawn on top
4cf2 FREE 5303      340016 bytes     of the test program
9ff6 3087 000a*/
/* The output of ps
3087 258c 0728 3097 (sh.exe) c:/bin/sh.exe -R 0 <- my shell
37b0 37ef 003a
37eb FREE 0003      48 bytes
37ef 3087 1206 39f5 (test.exe) ./test.exe <- the test program
49f6 4a32 003b
4a32 4a32 00d3 4a32 (command.com) c:/bin/command.com <- the "system"
4b06 4a32 0039
4b40 4b7b 003a
4b7b 4a32 02c0 4d2d c:/bin/PS.EXE <- the process run by system
4e3c FREE 51b9      334736 bytes
9ff6 3087 000a*/
	execlp("ps.exe", (char *) NULL);
/* The output of ps.exe
3087 258c 0728 3097 (sh.exe) c:/bin/sh.exe -R 0 <- my starting shell
37b0 FREE 003a      928 bytes
37eb FREE 0003      48 bytes
37ef 3087 02c0 39a1 (test.exe) c:/bin/ps.exe < the ps program overlayed
3ab0 FREE 6509      413840 bytes               the test program
9fba 37ef 003a
9ff5 FREE 0000      0 bytes
9ff6 3087 000a*/

Note in all cases the amount of free memory after the last process.
This should answer all youe questions.


Frank Kolakowski 

|lfk@athena.mit.edu                     ||      Lee F. Kolakowski    |
|lfk@eastman2.mit.edu                   ||	M.I.T.		     |
|kolakowski@wccf.mit.edu                ||	Dept of Chemistry    |
|lfk@mbio.med.upenn.edu		        ||	Room 18-506	     |
|lfk@hx.lcs.mit.edu                     ||	77 Massachusetts Ave.|
|AT&T:  1-617-253-1866                  ||	Cambridge, MA 02139  |
|                         #include <woes.h>         		     |
|		           One-Liner Here!                           |