[comp.os.msdos.programmer] closing a print job using BIOS calls

bri@jake.cc.wayne.edu (Brian Holmes) (10/25/90)

Does anyone know how to 'close' a print job using BIOS calls?
I have a printer server that dumps files using BIOS, but for
shared printers it never closes the printer therefore never
releaseing the job.  Is there an easy call to do this?  Please
respond directly as I do not subscribe to comp.os.msdos.programmer
Thanks in advance!
Brian Holmes                                            
PHONE:    (313) 577-3750  FAX=577-5626          Wayne State University          
BITNET:   bholmes@waynest1.bitnet               5925 Woodward                   
INTERNET: bri@jake.cc.wayne.edu                 Detroit, MI 48202  U.S.A