levericw@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Walden Leverich) (10/26/90)
I am trying to implement simple print and resource security on a PC. I would like to implement a simple shell program to ask for username, and watch for printer output, but I need to know what interrupts to trap if the program is going to be the primary shell. I know how to handle print interrupts. But I recall that a program must handle DOS Critical Error and one other interrupt to be considered a shell (ie. allowed in CONFIG.SYS in shell= line). What is the other interrrupt. AND am I going about this the hardway? Like I said above, I am looking for simple and *CHEEP* (cheep=free) not elegant. While am I here, does anyone know of a PD (shareware, PD, etc) network I can get to network 3 PCs? I would like to run Ventura over a LAN to save disk space on multiple copies of Ventura. But I don't want to but NOVELL or another similar LAN system. Thanks for all the help. -Walden Leverich --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walden H. Leverich III | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu ECE Dept. | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly Clarkson University | SnailMail: 100 Market St. | N.C.M. Apt 18 | Potsdam, NY 13676-1703 #include <std_disclamer_about_what_I_say> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walden H. Leverich III | Inet: levericw@clutx.clarkson.edu ECE Dept. | CServ: 73237,2212 <- checked weekly Clarkson University | SnailMail: 100 Market St. | N.C.M. Apt 18 | Potsdam, NY 13676-1703 #include <std_disclamer_about_what_I_say> --------------------------------------------------------------------------