(Jeff Sicherman) (10/26/90)
Maybe this belongs in alt.rumors, but does anybody know if there are any pending/possible upgrades to MS Fortran any time soon. I think the cuurent version is 5.x (=0 last I heard but may be bug fixes). Currently using 4.10 and wondering if would have to update twice if going to 5.0 soon. Don't really need the features in 5.x but are there significant bug fixes in 5.x over 4.10 ? The certification of 5.x makes me wonder. I know 5.x has been out quite a while. Please excuse the archaic nature of these questions. Jeff Sicherman -- Send compilers articles to {ima | spdcc | world}!esegue. Meta-mail to compilers-request@esegue. (Stephen Walton) (10/27/90)
In article <> Jeff Sicherman writes: >Maybe this belongs in alt.rumors, but does anybody know if there are any >pending/possible upgrades to MS Fortran any time soon. Yes. Buy Lahey :-) . Seriously, I switched from MS Fortran 5.0 to Lahey Personal Fortran 3.00 (the $99 list compiler), and the persistent floating-point stack underflow problems I'd been having on my AT clone disappeared. Compilation speed was increased about a factor of 3, and run speed was not reduced at all. The project in question, incidentally, uses the MINPACK routines, so yes, the program is heavily floating-point oriented. Lahey is more expensive, but offers an education discount of 25% off list with purchase of 5 or more compilers. -- Stephen R. Walton, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Cal State Northridge -- Send compilers articles to {ima | spdcc | world}!esegue. Meta-mail to compilers-request@esegue.