[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Reading Novel drive names

mallsop@sunc.mqcc.mq.oz.au (Mark Allsop) (11/14/90)

I'm trying to read the volume names of a Novel system.  As not all volumes
will necessarily be mapped to a drive, I can't just use the drive mappings.
I need to read the names like SYS, VOL1 and so on of the particular network
the program is running on, unless someone can provide some other solution.

Has anyone got any ideas how I could do this, or where to look next?

Thanx in advance,

| Mark Allsop                                              Computer Scientist |
| email: mallsop@suna.mqcc.mq.oz.au                The Statistical Laboratory |
| Phone: At MacUni: (61 2) 805-8592           Macquarie University, Australia |
| Fax  :          : (61 2) 805-7433           / \                             |
|                                              |   This one goes up to 11.....|
| "Laughter is the closest distance between two people."                      |
|		-- Victor Borge                                               |