[comp.os.msdos.programmer] VGA 320 X 200 X 256 Pallete

edgincd2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Chris Edgington *Computer Science Major*) (11/16/90)

I have recently been trying to write some VGA groutines in Turbo
Assembler to operate in mode 13h.  Does anyone have any text or
docs that explain the pallete information.  I already know that
the format of the pallete is one byte for each R G B for each of
the 256 colors, so there should be 256 * 3 bytes of info, but I
really don't know how to combine R G B to get a specific color.

What my ultimate goal is to create a pallete which is a rainbow
of 256 different colors.

Chris Edgington

bcw@rti.rti.org (Bruce Wright) (12/02/90)

In article <16716@mentor.cc.purdue.edu>, edgincd2@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Chris Edgington *Computer Science Major*) writes:
> I have recently been trying to write some VGA groutines in Turbo
> Assembler to operate in mode 13h.  Does anyone have any text or
> docs that explain the pallete information.  I already know that
> the format of the pallete is one byte for each R G B for each of
> the 256 colors, so there should be 256 * 3 bytes of info, but I
> really don't know how to combine R G B to get a specific color.

The RGB color model's only real advantage is that it represents
what the computer hardware is actually generating.  As you note, it
isn't very intuitive for generating specific colors.  You can get an
approximation by considering that:

		Red + Blue = Magenta
		Blue + Green = Cyan
		Red + Green = Yellow

and that other colors can be generated "between" these colors by using
differing values for the components.  But this is still difficult to
think about because human color perception doesn't work that way.

You might try to get hold of Charles Petzold's COLORSCR program that
runs under Windows (he describes it in his book "Programming Windows").
It allows you to experiment with different RGB values to produce
different colors;  this might help somewhat.

Many computer graphics systems use some other color model that is more
intuitive for the user, but convert the info to RGB for the actual
display.  You might try looking up a book on computer graphics for
more detail.  Don't restrict yourself to books about PC graphics, since 
unfortunately an awful lot of PC books don't discuss the technical and 
mathematical foundations of graphics but just describe how to make things 
appear on the screen and don't bother to go into more complex issues.
You may have to look in a good technical bookstore - shopping mall
bookstores don't tend to carry the more technical books (though there
are exceptions).

One example of this sort of color model is the HSV model, which has
an axis V from black (0) to white (1), a hue H which is an angle
around the axis (red = 0), and a saturation S from 0 to 1 which is
the distance from the axis.  "Fundamentals of Computer Graphics" by
Foley and Van Dam gives an algorithm for converting from HSV to
RGB and back (as well as other color models and the analogous 
conversions).  The HSV to RGB routine is given in pseudo-Pascal:

	procedure HSV_TO_RGB (var r, g, b : real;  h, s, v : real);
	    { Given: h in [0, 360] or undefined, s and v in [0,1] }
	    { Desired: r, g, b, each in [0,1] }
	    {		(to be scaled as appropriate for the }
	    {		 hardware -- bcw) }
	  if s = 0
	    then		{ achromatic color: there is no hue }
	      if h = undefined
		  begin		{ This is the achromatic case }
		    r := v;
		    g := v;
		    b := v
		else ERROR	{ error if s = 0 and h has a value }
	    else		{ chromatic color: there is a hue }
		if h = 360 then h := 0;
		h := h / 60;		{ h is now in [0,6] }
		i := FLOOR (h);		{ largest integer <= h }
		f := h - i;		{ fractional part of h }
		p := v * (1 - s);
		q := v * (1 - (s * f));
		t := v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
		case i of
		  0: (r, g, b) := (v, t, p);	{ triplet assignment }
		  1: (r, g, b) := (q, v, p);
		  2: (r, g, b) := (p, v, t);
		  3: (r, g, b) := (p, q, v);
		  4: (r, g, b) := (t, p, v);
		  5: (r, g, b) := (v, p, q);
		end { case }
	      end { hue }
	end { HSV_TO_RGB }

If you want more detail see a book like Foley and Van Dam's.  It isn't
much of a "how-to" book, but they do give a lot more of the basis of
computer graphics than most of the "how-to" books, and makes a nice
complement for getting the theory as opposed to the "how-to" books

Good luck.
						Bruce C. Wright