[comp.os.msdos.programmer] WNDX, GUIDO, MENUET, C-SCAPE, and graphics-MENU

jdb@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Brian K. W. Hook) (01/28/91)

I am thinking about writing a graphics application for DOS and was wondering
if anyone has any experience with the following C GUI libs:

WNDX by the WNDX corporation (supports Windows and Motif look and feel)
GUIDO    (Inexpensive, but have not heard of it before)
MENUET   (Ithaca Street Software, uses MetaWINDOWS, comes w/intrface designer)
C-SCAPE  (Expensive, never heard of it)
graphics-MENU (Looks kludgy and ugly, runs on MetaWINdOWS)
GeoWORKS SDK ( Has anyone SEEN this product yet?)

Thanks ahead,
