[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Help with LO-RES mode 320x200x256

hendrick@susan.cs.andrews.edu (John Hendrickson) (02/01/91)

I am trying to access the 320x200 mode in VGA directly, but from what
I read in my VGA reference book, there is only one page.  Even though 
there is enough memory for 4 pages.  Does anyone have any code that 
handles page swapping directly in this mode, ie display one page, and
directly write to the other. 

Please E-Mail me even though I have been reading this group for months,
there is no reason to waste any more bandwidth with this question, if
there are any excellent methods, I may summorize.


John Hendrickson ( Programmer at Large )
|-\ John H. Hendrickson \--\ hendrick@andrews.edu      (616) 926-2148 (work)  |
|--\ Programmer At Large \--\                                                 |
|  "Don't try to out-weird me, I get weirder things than you in my breakfast  |
|   cereal" - Zaphod Beeblebrox           Life, the Universe, and Everything  |