Greg.Smith@p11.f477.n104.z1.METRONET.ORG (Greg Smith) (02/07/91)
To: In a message to All <07 Feb 91 04:13> wrote: Co> 0. I don't know the answer to this one. Co> 1. how a .exe file can supress the gabrage hex char? examples Co> c:type I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you mean the garbage characters when typing a binary file, just have the program check each character before displaying it. If it's not ascii, or a non-garbage char then write a space or dot or whatever replacement you want. Co> 2. what is the different in composite & rgb cga programming? example Co> some game will tailor to either composite & rgb display (jet) Co> how it can do that (I know they put data into a special segment Co> of memory to display then what...) Well, the CGA is the oldest of all graphics, and is not used very often anymore, but the only difference jet would make is using 320x200 4 color or 640x200 2 color modes. I personally recommend VGA for anyone who likes using a computer for any reason. Co> 3. when turbo debug run where is it in memory? is it a big TSR ? Co> how can the top memory is Co> available to load the err_program to debug? I wish I had TD. Co> 4. I want a list of all (every single Co> one) interupts on ibm-pc and ibm-at Co> is there more for the ibm-at? a book is ok If you have access to any BBS's, look around for INTER???.ZIP The latest version I have seen is INTER490.ZIP (4th edition, 1990). It is a listing of all Interrupts on the IBM. Documented, and undocumented. Otherwise, visit a book store. Just check the books though, as some aren't to accurate or informative. Co> 5. Can anything writes on a write-protected-floppy? i.e. a software Co> that overide the notch? a mean virus? Not since the very very VERY first PC's. It is hardware, no virus can penetrate it. Co> 6. Can virus survive a format in any form( bad sector? ) ? what if Co> format from a clean DOS and format report no bad sector? Nope, unless the virus is doing the formatting itself, skipping over itself... Co> 7. how to temporary write-protect a hard disk ? source wanted. I have Co> seen a couple but don't how effective it is I'd love to see this done myself.. Co> 8. how to intercept a interupt call? intercept a procedure? example: Co> intercepting a virus attempting to write to an .exe file Hook the disk and whatever interrupts you need with your own TSR, which checks the request, proceeding to pass valid ones on to the original interrupt handler (usually in BIOS). There are many programs out there which already do this. (MacFee's Virus protection line of software). Co> 9. how to make screen flash to Co> replace warning bell? this is a neat idea Co> from some commerial software. I just want to see how it's done i.e. Co> source wanted Intercept the printing of characters in your program and falsh the screen when a ^G is encountered. Co> 10.programmer 's tools available in PD or SW Co> example / special ascii editor / debuger: flow analyzer,tracer/ Co> /disassembler/ hardware reference book/ libary Co> libary for a particular language? Co> libary for 32 bit machine i.e. 386? Tons!!! Check out some BBS's. A86+D86 Assembler+Debugger, C compilers, "Basic" compilers (yuch), etc.. Turbo Pascal and Turbo C libraries! (TTT and CXL) Co> 11. your advise to improve programming skill to a new ibm-at Co> programmer(not counting do alot of programming) ? what are other Co> things one can do to improve programming skill fast and effective? Practice makes perfect. Co> 12. who do u consider the best programmer? if u don't know then why? Impossible. No one is the best. There are those who are good, and those who are new, and those who are great. Everyone has strong and weak points. Combined, all the programmers in the world make up the best. Me, for instance, I'm proficient in Turbo Pascal. I'm best with Terminal emulatoion and communications type applications. Use That address! ------------------^^^ --- XRS! 4.00DV * Origin: Reading this is pointless. (Quick 1:104/477.11) -- ============================================================================= Greg Smith - via MetroNet node 200:5000/301 The Bohemia BBS System, Boulder Colorado (303)449-8946 UUCP: Greg.Smith@p11.f477.n104.z1.METRONET.ORG or : ...!boulder!bohemia.METRONET.ORG!1!104!477.11!Greg.Smith ============================================================================= (Nick FitzGerald, CSC, Uni. of Canterbury, NZ) (02/10/91)
In article <>, Greg.Smith@p11.f477.n104.z1.METRONET.ORG (Greg Smith) writes: > To: > In a message to All <07 Feb 91 04:13> wrote: > >[much deleted] > > Co> 6. Can virus survive a format in any form( bad sector? ) ? what if > Co> format from a clean DOS and format report no bad sector? > Nope, unless the virus is doing the formatting itself, skipping over itself... Sorry Greg - you are right and wrong. If the virus is not doing the formatting but is a partition and/or boot sector infector which goes resident *and* it is resident and active when you do the format, it *may* reinfect the HD as part of the formatting process or when you re-install the system and/or restore your files from backup. Resident file infectors may reinfect some/all files as you restore from backups, if still resident and active. Moral: If you *must* reformat following a virus attack (much less likely than most people seem to think - the need to reformat, that is!), do a true cold boot from a guaranteed clean floppy. > Co> 7. how to temporary write-protect a hard disk ? source wanted. I have > Co> seen a couple but don't how effective it is > I'd love to see this done myself.. There are others which I can't recall the names of, but look out for WPROT2 - a neat little TSR that write-protects C: and format-protects any other HD's in your system. (No source.) >[more deletions] > Co> 9. how to make screen flash to > Co> replace warning bell? this is a neat idea > Co> from some commerial software. I just want to see how it's done i.e. > Co> source wanted > Intercept the printing of characters in your program and falsh the screen > when a ^G is encountered. This will only work some of the time - there are other ways to make noises from a PC. I think it's a good idea for programmers to offer the flashing screen as an optional replacement for the warning bell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick FitzGerald, PC Applications Consultant, CSC, Uni of Canterbury, N.Z. Internet: Phone: (64)(3) 642-337