cramer@optilink.UUCP (Clayton Cramer) (02/15/91)
The Microsoft linker runs out symbol table space. (We are building a real application program, so we run into the outer limits of Microsoft's system software a lot). It would be nice if Microsoft's linker could take advantage of extended or expanded memory. As an interim solution, does anyone have a program for stripping symbol information out of a Microsoft .OBJ file? I could just recompile with the symbols turned off, but since you never know what module's symbols you are going to need next, it would be nice to be able to strip the symbols out of modules without recompiling. -- Clayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid,pixar,tekbspa}!optilink!cramer "The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. It is its natural manure." -- Thomas Jefferson You must be kidding! No company would hold opinions like mine!