[comp.os.msdos.programmer] TC++ window manager classes needed

gichan@blake.u.washington.edu (Gilbert Chan) (03/01/91)

I am trying to write a window manager using TC++ and I need some 
help. Can anyone share some of their code on mouse and graphical
window routines (classes) with me?  
There was an article from October (or was it Nov?) issue of Computer 
Language which talked about making classes of Borland Graphics Interface.
The sample code, because of space limitation, only showed a Dot class. 
The rest of the library (arc, circle, polygon..) resides on CompuServe
or on CL BBSes. I don't have access to CompuServe and can't really afford
the toll charges. If you have the rest on polygon and buttons, can you
kindly send them to me?
There was also an September DDJ on windows by Stevens but the code was
too Zortech specific and I couldn't get them to compile with TC++. (I'm
a beginner.)
Any help/pointers will be appreicated. 