(Joseph Mocker) (02/28/91)
Hi all, O.k. call me stupid, but I lost my routine to put the EGA in a 43 line mode. Could anyone give me a routine to do it? thanks in advance... Joe -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joe Mocker//USAC//PC-NFS Support :: mock@Corp.Sun.COM :: Sun Microsystems Inc. :: there's still lofty dreams :: meager desires :: still sillyness :: (ONG ENG TENG) (03/02/91)
From article <>, by (Joseph Mocker): > Hi all, > > O.k. call me stupid, but I lost my routine to put the EGA in a 43 line mode. > Could anyone give me a routine to do it? The follow assembler line will send the EGA into 43 line-mode or VGA into 50 line=mode: mov ax,1112h ; go into 80x50 mode sub bl,bl int 10h E. Teng Ong (ong@d.cs.okstate.ed)