[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Mix Toolchest/Vitamin C summary

wade@hobbes.ucsd.edu (Wade Blomgren) (04/04/91)

Here is a summary of the various responses I received to my
query on the Mix database toolchest (and related Mix products) and 
the Vitamin C screen libraries (and related systems from other vendors)

The two subjects are interleaved since several people responded to both

Wade Blomgren


I have been using Vitamin C since about 1988.  It is a well thought through
package which is updated about very 6 months.  It has hooks that allows you
to write extensions without changing the original libraries.  The data
input is pretty much the heart of the program.  It is done with at link
list of nodes on the screen.  If you want to do lotus type input (move
the cell in 2 dimensions) I would suggest that you look at another package. It
is very difficult to do with VC.  The screen painter is nice for prototyping
or putting together a demo fast but not absolutely necessary.  The have a 
BBS that you can call to get demos.  The # is (214) 418 - 0059.  As for the
price differences, version 4.0 retails for 395.  My guess is that the
difference in version is the difference in price.

Chuck Warlick

We have used VC for a few years now, and it is generally disliked.  At
various times, people have tried to get rid of it.  The last iteration
was an attempt to convert it to the Curses library.  This failed because
people felt that since the software was running somewhat ok, we shouldn't
fiddle with it and we're still living with a maintenance nightmare.  The
current plan is to convert this software to a motif application, but I'll
beleive that when I see it.  In short:  We have, and hate it.

Jon Nadelberg                                                     

I have purchased the Mix ToolChest DataBase software.  I used it to develop
a AKC Pedigree program (tree structures).  It seems to operate just fine but 
I haven't really put it to any kind of stress test.  Seems fast enough.

Haven't used Vitamin C.  Mix does have a "window" suite of library functions
(like the DataBase stuff, this stuff is also priced inexpensively).  This
package works OK once you figure out what it is that the documentation tells
you (in other words, the documentation sucks).  It is very fast with screen
manipulation and has handy functions for doing various type of menus, etc.

Since they both include source code,  I figure it's worth the price of 

Chris Huey 

I used vitamin C fairly extensively about two years ago. 
I eventually gave it up because it didnot support
1. Graphics modes
2. Mouse
3. Child windows
Other than this I was quite pleases with the product. 
I understand that all these issues except for (1) have been resolved
in the current version. The source code is easy to follow if you need
to make changes. Documentation was adequate. I am currently using 
CSCAPE for my user interface.

Joe White

I bought it some time ago mainly out of curiosity. It does work, but I
decided not to use it. The main reason was that it only handles ASCII
data. No binary data, no user defined key types.

I went for SoftFocus BTree package instead.

A shareware package called CBASE (from Citadel) was posted a while ago
to comp.sources.?  (misc?) It also appears to be relatively good value
- particularly since you can try it out before buying. It should be
available either on uunet or wsmr-simtel20.army.mil.

Vitamin C:
Can't answer that, since I haven't tried Vitamin C. I have tried
C-Scape though, and I was rather disappointed to discover that it
wasn't possible to do CUA compatible user interfaces with it.  A
shareware package called TCXL (latest release is 5.52, I think) does
almost as much as C-Scape and is much cheaper. Release 5.51 is on
simtel20, but the 5.52 release should be much improved according to
the programmer.

Anders Thulin

The toolchest has two libraries with it.  One is a B+ tree library, the
other is an ISAM library, implemented on top of the B+ tree lib.  You
can use functions from either lib.  Get the source with it (only $10.00 more).
I am using it in a program right now that has high data hits, and it is doing
fine.  It is very easy to use, and is the best library in my library
(for the buck).  It seems to be fairly robust (hasn't done anything bad yet),
and if something does happen to blow up, you have the source.  I reccommend
it highly, even for very large applications.  However, keep in mind that it
does NOT support networking, or multiusers.  They are working on it, though.
For a standard MSDOS application, it will do almost anything you want.

Vitamin C:
I have not seen Vitamin C, but I have tried about a dozen text window/screen/
data entry/etc. libraries including TCU31, UltraWin, Window Boss, Magna Carta
Software Windows Toolkit, C4Window, TCXL551, Tools4C, MCWint20, ProWinTC, 
TCWind16, WindowTC.  By far, the best are TCU31 and UltraWin.  They are both 
free, as they are.  However, UltraWin only comes with small model libs.  In 
order to get the other memory models, you need to register for $30.00.  But,
for the registration fee you get complete sources, phone, and BBS support.
TCU is free, but you get no source.  Both are very good, and put the others to
shame without considering cost.  When you factor cost into the equation, its
like comparing apples and oranges.  Overall, UltraWin has better windowing
facilities, but TCU has better data entry facilities, mainly since you can 
create a command file which, when loaded, creates a data entry form 
automatically.  UltraWin does not have a "form generator" for data entry.  All
the routines are there, but you have to explicitly call them.  The guys who 
wrote it are working on a screen and data entry builder, where you build the i
screens interactively (better than a text file) but it will not be available
for another month or two.  Also, the writer of TCU is developing TCU32 right
now, and is putting some more improvements into it.

Both of these can be ftp'd from SIMTEL20, or one of it's mirrors.  I think the
new version of TCU has been uploaded (its TCU31), but the version of UltraWin
is VERY old.  I suggest you pull them both down and evaluate them for your
uses.  You can call the guys from UltraWin, and they will give you their BBS
number, where you can download the newest version.  Both files are in the
msdos.turbo-c directory.

Jody Hagins             

Yes, I am a satisfied user of MIX C/Database Toolchest.  Let me describe
how it is organized.  The lowest layer is C BTree (maybe B+, but I am not
an expert in these things and the books are at home).  You can call
the BTree layer directly if you so desire.

On top of BTree is the ISAM implementation, making calls to BTree
to get much of the work done.  You would normally use this layer
(at least I do in my application).

On the side they have provided several application tools.  One is
the Little Data Manager (LDM).  LDM is a dBase like interface to
let you create databases, enter, edit and delete data.  By looking
at the source, you can also see how to program an interface from
your program to ISAM.  There are also tools to dump databases
and convert to and from dBase format.

The records in the database are NULL terminated strings.  This has
the advantage of making a field any length you desire.  It also
has the disadvantage of making it impossible for a field to
contain a NULL anywhere in it.  This can be gotten around by storing
numeric fields as strings and there are conversion to and from
provided.  Reading the contents of a record from the database
yields an array of pointers to strings which are the fields.
Since the windowing package I use does all data entry and editing
on strings only, not numbers, then I have no conversions back and
forth.  The only time I have to convert is if I want to use the
resulting number as a number in  calculations, which my application

The documentation is EXCELLLENT.  It provides you with a general
introduction to everything you ever wanted to know about BTree
and ISAM theory.  The reference sections for BTree and ISAM give
clear and correct information about each function and a small
program (or fragment) showing use of that function.  This is
done for EVERY function.  Error and success condtions are clearly

Although I have not done anything extensive enough to really stress
the package, I have found it to work exactly as documented.  Source code
is available for a modest fee ($10, I believe) and is well worth the
extra cost. 

Vitamin C
I have no experience with Vitamin C.  I bought the Magna Carta
C Windows Toolkit from MIX.  It is merely marketed by them, it
is developed by Andrew Chalk of Magna Carta Software, only a few
miles from MIX in Texas.  It is a robust and widely functional
text window toolkit, with a few minor bugs.  It comes with source
so tracking down and fixing bugs is fairly easy.  Magna Carta is
a good company to have to deal with.  They have a BBS and questions
are promptly answered on that, however, their voice phones are rather
busy adn technical support is beter obtained on the BBS.  On the
BBS, you get the same person you would in person, and since he is
technical support, chief programmer and president, he is easier
to get in touch with on the BBS.  

He is eager to accept improvement suggestions and will incorporate
them in future releases if deemed worthy.  Users of CWT contribute
enhancements to the toolkit which are available on the BBS.  I have
done this several times myself, as well as getting some very excellent
packages which others have contributed.

There are pop-up windows, exploding windows, graphics card detection,
cursor, keyboard input, data entry, popup menus, and virtual screens
available to mention just some of the features.  Data entry functions,
although they provide picture templates for allowable characters,
deal only with strings.  Yes you can make the user enter only a number,
but you get it back as an ASCII string which represents the number,
not as a number.

It also comes with source, which I deem as an essention feature of
any toolkit since it is possible any company might go out of business,
or not be willing to add features you really need. With source, you
can extend the toolkit all you desire and track down any bugs which
are plaguing you.

I have no other connection to these products other than being a
VERY satisfied customer and commercial software developer using
both packages.  By the way, they both support Turbo C, Microsoft C,
MIX Power C, and several other lesser known compilers.

Dion Hollenbeck

I have been using Vitamin C for about 3 1/2 years.  I use it with the 
Microsoft C 6.0a compiler.  VC is a very powerful package.  I do not know how
it compares to other screen handling libraries as it is the only one I have
used.  The VC package comes with several examples (source and executables) 
that are very helpful.   Telephone support is available for licensed users. 
VC Screen, on the other hand, is only a medium quality program (there might be
a newer version than mine out).  It is a little hard to learn at first. 
However, it is a decent tool to use during the learning stage of VC.  VC Screen
creates decent source code to study while learning VC. 

Good luck!

David Swanger

Mix C (not the toolchest per se)
I love the mix C compiler.   I am not a professional programmer, but
almost everything that I have compiled on SYSV compiles directly on mix
C without any problems.

It only takes up about 1 mb of space max compared to megabytes of MSC or
TC.  The code is relatively fast and relatively tight.  If you don't
need to link into pre-existing libraries from MSC or TC, you should have
no troubles.


I've been using Vitamin C now for 3 years - and yes there are several different
versions out.  The product is EXCELLENT - the tech support is especially good!  I recommend it highly.

Dave Harvey