rlm@ceres.physics.uiowa.edu (04/11/91)
I have an application which requires a Fortran program to read the game port on a 80286 or 386. I need the x and y displacements, probably every 50 msec or so. Is there a subroutine any one could post which would do this? Since I don't often check this newsgroup, please also send directly to email address below. Robert Mutel Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 ============================================================================== Phone: (319) 335-1950 | TWX: 910-525-1398 SPAN: 7230::RLM (CERES) | Bitnet: rlm%sunlight.Physics.UIowa.Edu@CUNYVM HEPnet: 47588::RLM (IOWA) | Internet: rlm@sunlight.Physics.UIowa.Edu ==============================================================================