[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Any books on memory management for M.soft C ?

daniel@hoss.unl.edu (Cows Rule....) (05/02/91)

	Having spent all my life writing C code on mainframes, I always 
thought memory management was done by the gods. Sadly, I was tossed out 
into the real world and now program a 386. I use Microsoft's C compiler
(Ver 6.0). At first things seemed normal, then out of the blue, came the
sobering realization that mortals like me, might in fact be responsible for 
memory management.  
	What I am looking for is a good book or two that deals with :
1) Segments: who makes and how to use em. 2) Calls like _loadds & _segname.
3) Anything that deals with making a large programs run on a 386 using the
Microsoft C compiler. Any suggestions? 
	If any of you know something about the above, I would more than
appreciate a mail from you, explaining it.

Thanks in advance.

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| In Cows we Trust!!!!           (oo) | It ever was, and is, and shall be,  |
| Charles Daniel           /------\/  | ever-living Fire, in measures being |
| daniel@hoss.unl.edu     /| _____ |  | kindled and in measures going out.  |
| University of Nebraska.* ||     ||  |                        - HERACLITUS |
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