[comp.os.msdos.programmer] Stderr from Turbo Pascal

dave@tygra.Michigan.COM (David Conrad) (05/11/91)

   In response to the recent question in comp.lang.pascal as to how to
write to stderr (standard error) from Turbo Pascal, here is a solution.
This unit is a text file device driver.  You can assign your own text
variable to stderr and open it for writing with either Rewrite or Append,
but there is a variable already assigned and opened by the unit's initial-
ization section called 'stderr'.  Simply Write or Writeln to it.

   (Note that it is not necessary to open or close the actual file handle
since DOS provides the stdin, stdout, stderr, stdprn and stdaux file
handles to the program already opened.  Thus Rewrite, Append and Close
just set the TP-specific fields of the textrec.  Also note however that if
stderr is closed then it is marked 'fmClosed' and any further attempts to
write to it produce a 'File not opened for writing' error.)

   If you aren't familiar with the standard error device, a little back-
ground is in order.  When you Write or Writeln with either no text file or
with the 'output' variable built into Pascal, your output goes to a device
known as CON or standard output.  This device can be redirected to a file,
and all output which would normally be seen on the screen is sent to that
file instead.  (Remember, when you use the CRT unit TP writes directly to
the screen memory or to the BIOS instead of to DOS, so DOS doesn't get a
chance to redirect the output to a file.)  Here is an example:

   program contest;
     writeln ('Standard output.');

Either compile this with the command line compiler (TPC or TPCX), or
compile to disk in the IDE and return to DOS.  Then try running it by
typing "contest" and "contest >contest.txt".  In the second example the
string 'Standard output.' is placed in the file contest.txt.  Now try
the following program:

   program errtest;
   uses stderror;
     writeln ('Standard output.');
     writeln (stderr,'Standard error.');

Compile as before and run with "errtest" and "errtest >errtest.txt".  In
the former both lines are printed on the screen, but in the latter the
'Standard output.' line is sent to the file errtest.txt but the 'Standard
error.' line is still shown on the screen!  The purpose behind this, in
case the name standard error didn't give it away, is to have the error
messages still go to the screen where the user can see them even if the
normal output is being logged to a file.

   (By the way, when using the CRT unit it is possible to have the normal
output still display via DOS (so it can be redirected) by placing:

   assign (output,'');
   rewrite (output);

at the beginning of your program.)

   Unit StdError Copyright 1991 by David Conrad.  It may be distributed
freely as long as it is not modified, and derivative works may be made as
long as it is indicated that they are derived from this work.  No repre-
sentation is made as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular
use of this software.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty of any kind.

BEGIN--cut here--cut here
Unit StdError;

(* Copyright 1991 David R. Conrad, dave@michigan.com *)


  stderr : text;

Procedure AssignErr (var f : text);


Uses Dos;

Function ErrOut (var f : textrec) : integer;
  r : registers;
  if f.BufPos = 0 then
      ErrOut := 0;
  r.ah := $40;  (* write to file or device via handle *)
  r.bx := f.Handle;  (* the handle for stderr *)
  r.cx := f.BufPos;  (* write all characters in buffer *)
  f.BufPos := 0;
  r.ds := Seg(f.BufPtr^);
  r.dx := Ofs(f.BufPtr^);  (* segment and offset of buffer *)
  msdos (r);  (* call DOS to output char *)
  ErrOut := 0;

Function ErrClose (var f : textrec) : integer;
  f.Mode := fmClosed;
  ErrClose := 0;

Function ErrOpen (var f : textrec) : integer;
  if f.mode = fmInput then
      ErrOpen := 5;  (* File Access Denied, stderr is write only *)
  f.Handle    := 2;  (* stderr file handle *)
  f.Mode      := fmOutput;
  f.InOutFunc := @ErrOut;
  f.FlushFunc := @ErrOut;
  f.CloseFunc := @ErrClose;
  ErrOpen := 0;

Procedure AssignErr (var f : text);
  errname : array[0..8] of char = '\dev\con'#0;
  with textrec(f) do
      Mode     := fmClosed;
      BufSize  := sizeof(Buffer);
      BufPos   := 0;
      BufEnd   := 0;
      BufPtr   := @Buffer;
      OpenFunc := @ErrOpen;
      move (errname, Name, sizeof(errname));

  AssignErr (stderr);
  rewrite (stderr);
END--cut here--cut here

David R. Conrad   | "A dream unthreatened by the morning light, could blow this
dave@michigan.com | soul right through the roof of the night." -- Pink Floyd
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