(Jean Marie Diaz) (07/25/90)
Since someone mentioned that we were offering books on Motif, I thought I'd clarify things a bit. We're offering a Motif version of Volume 3, _The X Window System User's Guide_, which will be available on October 10. This is intended to coexist with the original version (which documents X11R4 "as it comes" from MIT), not to replace it. A Motif version of Volume 4, _The X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual_, which will feature Motif (rather than Athena) widgets in the programming examples, will be available later in the fall, but no date yet. Again, this will not replace the original version, but it will be available for those who prefer to learn Motif rather than the Athena widget set. A Motif Programming Manual is in the works. No delivery date yet. For more information, send mail to AMBAR uunet!ora!ambar O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Publishers of Nutshell Handbooks 90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140; 617-354-5800 Book Orders => 632 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol, CA 95472 800-338-NUTS (in CA 800-533-NUTS) FAX 707-829-0104