(Bob Miner) (07/25/90)
I've need to do something similar. I create some PushButtons which change color dynamically during the program's execution and I wish to retain the 3-D look, so I explicitly set the armColor, topShadowColor, bottomShadowColor, and background colors during program execution. Since JPL is still not a OSF/Motif source licensee (but only for 3 more weeks - YAH!), I tried to copy the "default" behavior. I have no idea if this is the algorithm they use, so if it is then please ignore ... Please post/e-mail if you find a better algorithm. One thing to note about this method is that it doesn't work very well for pure colors. -Enjoy Basil Hashem Jet Propulsion Laboratory La Canada Flintridge, CA Thanks for your algorithm. It's essentially the same as that used by Motif, except that the percentages are different, although not by more than a few percentage points. I'd tell you the percentages, but I'm not sure if OSF's lawyers would then jump me. BTW, I just received a bunch of stuff from OSF about Motif 1.1 and one of the items listed as improved is: Improved colors - Better handling of very saturated, very light and dark colors. Ability for users to plug in automatic color generation. So it sounds like their algorithm has improved in 1.1. Bob Miner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOOOOOO ~ Bob Miner OOOO OOOO ~ Object Design, Inc. OOOOO OOOOO ~ 1 New England Executive Park OOOOO OOOOO ~ Burlington, MA 01803 USA OOOO OOOO ~ or uunet!odi!bob OOOOOOO bject Design Inc. ~ voice: (617) 270-9797 FAX: (617) 270-3509 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." - Dr. Seuss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~