[comp.windows.x.motif] translations

tsang@isi.com (Kam C. Tsang) (07/30/90)

I have the following widget hierachy:
      paned window
	scrolled text
	scrolled text

I would like to map the keys Return and keypad Enter to activate(),
using something like this in the app-defaults file:

*XmText*translations: #override\n\
 <Key>KP_Enter:      activate()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>Return: activate()\n\
 <Key>Return:     activate()\n\
 <Key>KP_Multiply:   activate()\n\
 <Key>Linefeed:   activate()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>K:      kill-to-end-of-line()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>Y:      unkill()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>L:      redraw-display()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>A:      beginning-of-line()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>E:      end-of-line()\n\
 <Key>Delete:	  delete-previous-character()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>D:      delete-next-character()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>F:      forward-character()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>B:      backward-character()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>P:      previous-line()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>N:      next-line()\n\
 Ctrl<Key>O:      newline() previous-line() end-of-line() \n\
 <Key>Up:         previous-line() \n\
 <Key>Down:       next-line() \n\
 <Key>Home:       traverse-home() \n\
 <Key>End:        end-of-file()

The problem is that everything else in this translation works except
<Key>KP_Enter, Ctrl<Key>Return and <Key>Return.  

Any clue?  Thanx in advance.


     Kam Tsang                           User Interface Group             
     Tel:        (408) 980-1500 x275     Integrated Systems, Inc.         
     Internet:   tsang@isi.com           2500 Mission College Blvd.       
     Voice mail: (408) 980-1590 x275     Santa Clara, CA 94054