[comp.windows.x.motif] Resources for children of XmSelectionBox

tatlow@dash.enet.dec.com (Tom Tatlow) (08/28/90)

How do you use resources to alter the appearances of children of
XmSelectionBoxes?  For example, suppose I have a XmPromptDialog 
XmSelectionBox and it has a text input area and two
buttons, the default button (with the label "save") and the cancel
button (with the label "abort").  How do I, for instance, make the 
background of the default button green?

I tried things like:

	*XmSelectionBox*save*background: green

but that had no effect (the *name* of the button isn't "save", that's
only its label).  

	*XmSelectionBox*defaultButton*background: green

also had no effect, although I had had higher hopes for that (apparently
defaultButton is neither the button's name or class, so it had no effect).

	*XmSelectionBox*ok*background: green
	*XmSelectionBox*OK*background: green
	*XmSelectionBox*Ok*background: green

also had no effect.

Can anyone help me?

  	    Tom Tatlow	    "The Question"

    Work:  Digital Equipment Corporation, AI Technology Center
           tatlow@dash.enet.dec.com          (508) 490-8500

    Home:  279 Harvard Street, Apt. 31, Cambridge, MA 02139
           tom@math.mit.edu                  (617) 864-3857


daniel@osf.org (Daniel Dardailler) (08/28/90)

You are trying to set a different background for a gadget (that's what are
the Label children of BulletinBoard in general), you can't.
You could try setting the labelString or other gadgetable resources, it works.
(BTW, the name of the button are "OK", "Cancel" ..., the ones given in
the guide)

        Daniel Dardailler          |          OSF/Motif Team  
     Open Software Foundation      |      Email : daniel@osf.org           
       11 Cambridge Center         |      Phone : (617) 621 8840    
       CAMBRIDGE, MA 02142         |      Fax   : (617) 621 0584

"Tout ce que je dis, mon ane, mon ane, tout ce que je dis, mon ane le redit"